Listed below is a compilation of answers to my daily contest.

Film Haikus and Answers
Searching for the worst
counting chicks before they hatch
desparate for closure
Answer: The Producers
Chance and seduction
voyeurism and capture
eccentric transport
Answer: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Such drastic measures
truth comes from a woman scorned
delectable risk
Answer: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
A Strange connection
an abrupt termination
disposable truth
Answer: Last Tango In Paris
Living the high life
playing a dangerous game
all comes at a price
Answer: The Last King of Scotland
Lies and betrayal
some hearts are in the right place
saved by providence
Answer: O Brother Where Art Thou
Chaotic lifestyle
abiding by promises
means standing alone
Answer: Drugstore Cowboy
No invite required
avoid being blind-sided
no feast without flames
Answer: The Wicker Man
The truth is shocking
but re-evaluation
can lead to freedom
Answer: Sex Lies & Videotape
Spectacular gift
sacrifice life for freedom
artistic secret
enemies can become friends
a rogue is pardoned
Answer: Tangled
Generous and fun
unpredictable losses
saved by loyal friends
Answer: The Artist
A choice to be made
sometimes love isn't enough
challenges beckon
Answer: The Name of the Rose
A change brings success
and many complications
fiction reveals lies
Answer: Tootsie
Startling revival
greed leads to loss of power
listen to experts
Answer: Jurassic Park
A search for power
with chaos and destruction
ignorance is bliss
Answer: Raiders ot Lost Ark

Contest tips: I am unlikely to feature the above films in another contest any time soon!
Analysis of the poems can be found in each contest post as a comment to the winner.
More Answers
The Poseiden adventure! That one was really bugging me.
Yeah, I couldn't really give the genre, "disaster" cos it makes it too easy.
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
Merry Christmas, enjoy the vote!