I would for sure pick it up its brand new and shiney and I don't know what it is but its shiney so it must be worth something and I could probably come up with some uses to trade it to someone for food or other tools
Oh don't even get me started on the uses where do i start, You could use it over the fire, slip your meat or veggies between the slits andg grill multiple pieces in no time
- I could it to pry open windows or just break them so I can gain entry into places with possible resources
- I could use it as a sun dail if i wanted to keep track of time
- I coud use it as a brace in case of injury i could wrap my arm around it to keep it steady and in place
- I could use it dig holes to find food or plant seeds !
- Finally i can use it to crack open a cold one
This is really the swiss army knife of its time, so many uses