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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #27: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SB prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago

If You Must Lie, Be Brief
Photo credits: Guía Infantil
Tim was punished in his school for having stuck a chewing gum to a girl in his classroom. The teacher gave her a letter informing Tim about what happened to Tim so he could give it to his parents. The child knowing that his parents would scold him hid it. The next day the teacher asked her if her parents received the letter, the child told her that of course. The dubious teacher told her that she would call her parents to confirm it in the break. Tim, scared at the break, tells the teacher that he could not breathe (all to delay the time and the teacher could not call). But the opposite happened, they called 911, the parents, the friends ... in the end the lie was revealed. So...If you must lie, be brief...