Hey everyone. I have a few contests already, my previous favourite was my 'Friday Beer Contest'. I may have just come up with my new favourite contest though, based on a culmination of the few that already exist. I call it Wonky Weekend, it is short, sweet, to the point and awesome.
This is the third edition of this contest and at this rate I will be running them every weekend.
All my other contests are based on performance, excellence, been the fastest, most creative etc, because such is the nature of life right? Well in this contest that all changed. Here, I am going to be rewarding you for sucking. The slower the more random you are the more you win. As per my other contests my comments and bots comments don't count, you may also not comment twice in a row as this would be considered 'cheating' however may comment again after someone else has!!
How it works....
Be the 1st to comment and you will win 0.20 SBD
Be the 8th to comment and you will win 0.70 SBD
Be the 24th to comment and you will win 1 SBD
Be the random pre-determined number and win 1.1 SBD (this number I have chosen before hand and will change per contest, the number will be between comment 20-120.
Now this is where it gets real interesting, all commenters will be able to keep commenting and potentially win the random number prize which will be 1.1SBD, so if you have already won the 1st 8th or 24th prize keep commenting, the hidden SBD will be in a comment between 20 and 120, so yes you CAN WIN TWICE in one competition. The only rule is that if you have won 1st prize you can't win 8th and 24th too, but can win for example prize 8 and the random number prize. Many of the same person commenting in a row won't count only your first comment or after someone else has may you comment again to count!
Please only reply to the original post to count, replying to a comment is not considered an entry!
This will be the 'Wonky Weekends' Mascot, Whenever you see this get commenting. The more the merrier the higher your chances.
Game Starts Now, Good luck, Shoot....
"Random Comment"......
Just in case. Well done dude, a lot of fun.
hey @stuntworkinc long time brother are you well? Think we will ever see round of the selfie contest?? Cheer$;)
I hope so, waiting with baited breath.
Good news.. I asked him yesterday he says around mid to end Feb.. can't wait.
Lol just like that buddy thats what I said ;) Can't wait.
You won my secret number prize mate well done. I made the winners announcement and did transfers today. Cheer$;)
Who says random comments aren't worthwhile? LOL
Thanks brutha.
Lol they say you learn a new thing every day, guess you just did ;) Next one starting tonight or early tomorrow.. Cheers$;) bud ;)
Ten words or more, the wife says this is the easiest contest on steemit!
4th lol .. not this one even a fullstop will do ;)
Am I really first this time? I hope so! Woo hoo! In case woo hoo is not a word, here are more of them!
1st BOOM you are you are.. well done ;)
Here we go again, the intensity of the game and the hope of winning big.
2nd LOL winning big, well not that big but we will be soon no doubt, and when they are all big and 4 a week, man those will be exciting times and they are fast approaching ;)
You betcha but I'm going to have to watch out for @fishyculture. She snaked me while I was counting my words.
Interesting banknote South Africa now has...
3rd yip been around a while now..
Although I do feel a little silly talking to myself
OK, one of us should be coming in there soon! More words, perhaps?
I wonder how the weather is where you are craig? Cold here!
6th Africa brother hot as a models ass this side ;)
And unless someone is waiting for this I think we are there now?
What a creative contest! It would be interesting to find out what "strategies" people have come up with to win. I wish I had time today to just sit and watch this evolve until someone wins.
7th sho just misssed it, watch @doc.hodes and @dennisauburn they regular winners. I have many more in the week keep an eye out .. keep going..
Ah! And here I liked you so well! LOL!
So, what if two people joined forces. For instance, if the goal is to be the 24th commenter, and there are people waiting for the 23rd commenter, one person agrees to reply so the person they're teamed up with can quickly reply and be the 24th. And on the next contest they switch roles so the other can be the winner. (I hope I explained that well!!)
That might encourage interacting between Steemians. Good luck to everyone and congrats to all the winners!
Yip that can be done and it is done already as our husband and wife above as well as how folks do so in my other contests ;)
OK, will well I guess I am going to have to try and be eighth.
8th BOOM, piece of old hat for an old Champ eh? Nice one matey..
I did a little advertising for you and your games in my last post - "The Tale of Beggar Kitty"
Oh wow let me check it out and give some love...
I'm trying to get people I know that follow me but I don't see playing your games to come check them out without coming right out and saying it.
goodluck everyone ;]
comment #30?
Oh no I was wrapping up a post on the winners of my contest but the the 3rd prize is up for grabs.
Plankton king will call forth the plankton minions.
10.. Lol you are funny mate.. and right too how you doing?
Good good mate! Just announced winners to my contest.every one of the 26th entries won something.
Here we go again on the comment section. Goodluck, the last time I joined here was a heartbreak.
11 u just missed it last time right .. another nice one tomorrow be sure to enter..
Have a wonderful day my friend! Thank for being nice to us. God bless you my friend.
12 thanks and you too..
Let's go! i hope i will win this time
13 keep going
I have no idea about the commenting competition about but it will be good try. Why not? 🙂
14 Exactly keep doing so another nice one tomorrow be sure to play...
We will try and try and try until we are fed and become minnows!!
Wow another great competition. Good to all of us.. Lets try our best 😊😊😊😊
16 thanks a ton keep going..
The plankton king has called and the seas bring worth the hungry planktons.
17 you missed beer contest you can still enter?
Steemitfamilyph group is waiting for this contest. Very easy just leave a comment.
18 getting close now keep going ...
This is fun! Let's try and try then we'll see who's the winner of the quest.
19 another nicer bigger one tomorrow be sure to enter..
Aww. a little to early and late. Hahahah. Well Thank you!! I'll keep my self posted with your games
Come into our little shop of horrors and feed us Craig!
20... lol you should be on stage ;)
The planktons are here. Still awake in the middle of the night. Very nice!
21... awww much appreciated
guys let's just enjoy this. even though we wont win lets just be happy for the winners.:) goodvibes..
22 True keep entering and you will my regulars win often.. Just ask @miranas @doc.hodes @janine-ariane @mariannewest @fishyculture @miranas @dennisauburn and one or three others ;)
true! I won quite a few times!
how you do that mam?:)
by reply at the right moment.
When he checks again he'll be surprised to see an invasion of planktons.
23 man you sure did deserve it this time .. but missed by one.. @miranas took it... keep going still secret number prize..
Lol he must be psychic!
Replied as fast as I could. Hope I am 24th.
24 TH BOOM old faithful are you well mate??? Well done you just missed it last time right ? 1SBD coming your way you one in the tag a team contest too? Transferring tom and wed for those two contests.. Cheer$;')
I actually missed the tag a mate but won the shotgun
They both still live ending tomorrow and wednesday you can still enter.. I am running them 7 days now and not 4 better chances for all..
well done BTW...
whats the update? who won the competition? hope i can win too. :)
26 th ... still that secret number to be won .. Shoot...
26 th ... still that secret number to be won .. Shoot...
I love my mom because she love me. Hope you love your mom too
Almost 😊 anyway thank you for being nice to us.
HOpe i will will this. Its hard for me to think what to comment now. Gosh mental black!
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog yesterday
I really miss Philippines! I need 1 SBD to buy my plane ticket, ooh wait! is that enough?
lol not right now but in a year and the way steemit is going maybe exciting times to be alive right? ;)
I think he went ahead and grabbed a beer. So he'll flip with all the planktons crawling aroundm
I THink the update of the comments now is slow. Check your internet connection
Hey, my birthday is getting nearer. Do I have a gift? Are you going to surprise me? Hehe
Hmmm when is that??
keep going guys. its almost there. we can do it
its already 1am and still wide awake.
And then here I am crossing my fingers hoping that I will win.
Always a pleasure to join these fast and easy contest from you mate!
Great to have you here!! Wheres your beer contest entry? Another one tomorrow around this time be sure to enter hey.
No new beer pictures just girly red wine this weekend hahaha! I will be sure to call forth the planktons!
LOL hmmm you may just have given me a nice new idea for a contest you know ;)
You are very nice. More blessing for you my friend. God bless. Thanks again.
Thanks brother and you too..
A snack, some SBD rewards and more Steemit is a wonderful way to spend the evening.
and there I was seeing number 1 and 2 reacting, I thought I keep my mouth shut until it is time to win, and then steemit gave up on me a few hours I could not get back to steemit, I did manage from busy, but that only occured to me later. Happy to be back for the secret number. :-)
Aww no thats not cool mine was down too and as we know these comments move fast.. how was ur weekend darlin? ;)
I am ill, throat ache, earache snotnose and I sat and still sit in my flowery onesie on my seat. Plus on top of that I have been a guinea pig for the use of a plasma pen on wrinkles, I look worse than I ever looked before. Out for all that my weekend is funtastic. :-)
I will keep commenting on this blog then. Who know’s I win, right? :)
haazzahhh! Another Comment! #94!
Ten words are kinda hard to compose when you can't think of what to post. but here we go! :)
Gosh! I don't know what to post. But I just wanna try. And i hope to win on thia contest. 😊
are we still in the hunt for the secret number?
Got to be gettin on the end now. I like the 200 (?) bill with the leopard on it. Maybe we should start having animals - or maybe corporate sponsors...on our money.
This is really a nice contest. Good work!!
Thanks a mil.keep.commenting if you time it right you can easily win a prize . Be sure to enter my next one this Wednesday too. Cheer$;)