My black wise shaman
Accepting of all others
Bear: my familiar
He's fourteen now, my sweet little love, and looks quite like the black cat in your gif. Similar laid-back personality as well.
He's the only cat I've ever known to leap into my arms and hug me around the neck, cuddling for as long as I'll let him, and now that he's older, he does that with Marek, and occasionally with other cat lovers as well.
He also, as an adult male cat, adopted our white male kitten, Edit, when we were away scouting property, allowing him to eat and drink out of his bowls. Highly unusual for a male cat.
And he has accepted every cat - and dog - we've brought into our home. He's a one-of-a-kind.
A gentle, giving soul, he sounds like.
He is indeed. A real love.
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