I am entering a picture of 1 of the clients at my voluntary job (face cropped out for privacy)
hugging the cutest little jack russel ever!
Every Friday we walk down to the local pet shop to check out the animals in the shop..
This little cutie is called Beertje (little bear)
and is the shop owners dog, it became a "thing" now for this particular lady to go pet & hug Beertje once a week.
It is so rewarding to see what possitive impact this has on her, a little animal loving really goes a long, long way...
For this reason, I just had to share it to this post, it might not be a winning picture,
but it's pure and full of love ❤
Edit: I know this might not qualify, as it's not me nor my pet,but I wanted to share these 2 lovelies nonetheless 🤗
Small Doggies are always cute! Thank you for joining the contest :)