Agreed, hate is misunderstood and misused to the point of severe dilution to the point it no longer translates to the extreme that is the true meaning of the word...for the most part. "
Hate does often have actions and consequences whether outwardly or inwardly...passively or violently.
I do understand how abstract the concept of a world without hate is. Such a thing is inconceivable. Still a world with little to actually hate in it (war, crime, jealousy) would be easier to live in for all.
In my mind it would take generations to bring such achievement. It cannot be a government driven agenda. Rather it would be a human endeavor. Beginning from within and spreading through family, education, art and culture.
There will always be the dark and the light...imo we all could use a little more light (peace) in ourselves and our lives. And a whole lot less fear and suspicion.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express myself more freely here in the comment section of your blog post. Peace and hate are the yin and the yang of humanity's existence...human nature.
Yet nature does not hate, nor does nature seek peace. Nature
In a sense, yes - nature refers to 'birth', so what is 'natural' is only what is birthed. What is being birthed is in truth, constantly changing - so it follows that change is entirely natural :)
You are welcome and I appreciate you sharing with us your thoughts and feelings here.
Thank you, and as to the theme...your last contribution...~smiles~...never say never...but yes I understand.
Is not Steemit change in human discourse? A conduit of further change as the months and years go by?
Who is to say what the future brings? Still Steemit and all Steemians will have their thoughts, expressions, hopes and dreams indelibly stamped on this blockchain.
In a way this IS a new birth...I dare say a natural evolution of cultural discourse and sharing.
Perhaps start with cave drawing, then cuneiform clay tablets, tattooed animal skin, parchment, stone monoliths, scribes, messengers on foot and get the idea...all the way forward to the now of Steemit.
Communication was always meant to bring people closer together through common interest. Somewhere along the way it became corrupted, propagandized, agenda driven. Steemit may be able to steer things back in the right direction. Only time will tell.
I am not saying anything that hasn't been said or thought of before. The only thing new is the platform from which we can ALL have our say. me...IS...progress.
~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~