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RE: Not to late for the @SteemMonster Party / Opening Boosters - D00k13 Digest #72

in #contest7 years ago

Yea you liked it? I had pondered a few times how to make that opening moment count for this video, since it’s gaining visibility for another project I was shooting for impact! I look up to all you guys and your enjoyment of my effort is very encouraging so thank you for checking my video out and leaving such kind words!

I would highly suggest getting into Steem Monsters sooner than later, huge opportunity for profit and well “the pull” is just a lot of fun , the suspense, hoping to get a legendary from my next packs 😎

I hope all is well for you these days? Noticed you had another time of exhaustion, don’t be running yourself ragged or you may end up like me on forced vacation 🤗

Stay Strong