You've got up to '174' 100% upvotes and resteems from Vzlans. Which got you earnings of $21.13 in that contest post. With a payout broken down as follows:
Past Payouts $21.13
Author $16.74
Curators $4.39
And last but not least. I can think of a thousand and one ways to also make and publish a video with 'results' where there is no winner'
So fair & fine, redo it!! But please, this time establish clearly in the rules that "The number closer to the computer pick will win"
Well mate, I see you insist on refuse to answer a very simple question.
Read what I have also answered to your unconditional supporters below. And after that, you can decide to do what you like with your contests.
But I can tell you, that every time you try to dedicate one to my Venezuelan countrymen. I will be watching closely that this is as fair and legitimate as possible. ¿Capisci?
I dont know what make you feel uncomfortable about this contest. This is his blog and that is his money. He can do everything he wants. And if u dont even know what @dang007 is doing for a lot of poverty countries, you should not leave this kind of comment.
That is rule of that contest. Was it clear enough? Venezuelan want to join then they neeed to follow the rule. Number is chosen by computer. Not him. The fact is there is no winner actually. U think he just do that contest like scam or sth. Scam for 21$ upvote from venezuelan?? Plz. Do u know how much money he has given away? I know your doubt is legitimate. But dont get him wrong. :))
"The number closer to the computer pick will win"Yeah @hanggggbeeee the rules of the contest were clearly established. And most of us decided participate as it had been described. But since there was no winner, that's why I decided to suggest & propose that, same as with his other contests, he also incorporate into the Venezuelan's the rule that:
So there should always be a winner no matter what.
Rest assured that I don't get him wrong in the most minimal way. I only try that his contest is as legitimate and fair as possible for his Venezuelan brothers also.
I got your point. :) but if you try to comment in more positive and friendly way, he may accept your opinion and do it in next contest. ^^ sorry u was too keen
And hope everyone else also gets it in the same way.
Certainly, I'm a highly amiable and cordial chap who usually tend to express things in a positive and friendly way. But clearly, I have no hairs on my tongue to say what needs to be said. Always for the benefit and good health of what should be totally transparent & fair. ;)
haterun número al azar escogido por random,org es decir computarizado lo que coloque en otros concursos no deberia impotar en este.Hola @por500bolos no entiendo tu actitud de es chimbo ver alguien comportarse asi en las redes. Este concurso es de @dang007 y sus reglas claramente son "Number will be pick from (computer pick)" en traducción por si usas google translator en tus publicaciones
Desde un principio yo y unos amigos hicimos magia para que el concurso se realizara porque estaba CANCELADO, me parece fuera de lugar que vengas con esto más aún sabiendo que SI puedes regalar 20 de STEEM porque como otros que si tienen la esperanza de ganar o la necesidad DEPENDEN de @cervantes y por lo que veo TÚ no dependes de ellos.
Ninguna actitud de haterseso a la situación de los resultados finales o no. Ciertamente, la descripción y reglas estaban claramente establecidas en el concurso en la que todos decidimos aceptar participar tal cual. Solo, que luego de los 'resultados' has de coincidir que una simple pregunta y sugerencia como la que planteo debe ser considerada por nuestros paisanos participantes para decidir continuar concursando bajo las mismas reglas o no. como pretendes hacerlo ver @jokossita. Simplemente es asunto tuyo si deseas aplicarle
En cuanto a ésta parte de mi comentario, te lo traduzco para que analices si tiene sentido o no mi pregunta. "I can think of a thousand and one ways to also make and publish a video with 'results' where there is no winner"
"Yo podría pensar en mil y un maneras de crear y publicar un video en cuyos resultados no hubiese ningún ganador""
Ahora lo dejo a tu criterio si tú o los demás desean seguir participando. Especialmente, luego de que @dang007 ni siquiera se ha dignado en responder todavía a una simple pregunta adecuadamente tal y como merece ser respondida.
Sospecho que tu corta pasantía y adoctrinamiento con los Scouts te ha hecho un ser confiado en exceso hacia los demás.
Obviamente puedes decidir hacer lo que te plazca y seguir a la cacería de retos y concursos en los cuales participar sin cuestionar nada ni a nadie como acostumbras. Así sus reglas no luzcan lo suficientemente justas y transparentes.
Well @dang007, I have no compelling reasons to doubt of your good intentions. Nor does I intend to rain in your contest's parade either mate.
Because I have a too-developed sense of smell... can I ask you something?
¿How comes that in your other contests like this one next, you offer: The numbers closer to the computer pick win. and in ours dedicated to Venezuelans you did not do it?
You've got up to '174' 100% upvotes and resteems from Vzlans. Which got you earnings of $21.13 in that contest post. With a payout broken down as follows:
And last but not least. I can think of a thousand and one ways to also make and publish a video with 'results' where there is no winner'
So fair & fine, redo it!! But please, this time establish clearly in the rules that "The number closer to the computer pick will win"
Am I being clear enough here mate? }:)
If you think u can give away 20 steems who is stopping you?
I clearly can't give away 20 steems in any kind of contests. That's why I don't do them.
And by the way, you still have not answered my question.
Ok since u dont like the way im doing my contest, how about i stop doing it?
Well mate, I see you insist on refuse to answer a very simple question.
Read what I have also answered to your unconditional supporters below. And after that, you can decide to do what you like with your contests.
But I can tell you, that every time you try to dedicate one to my Venezuelan countrymen. I will be watching closely that this is as fair and legitimate as possible. ¿Capisci?
I dont know what make you feel uncomfortable about this contest. This is his blog and that is his money. He can do everything he wants. And if u dont even know what @dang007 is doing for a lot of poverty countries, you should not leave this kind of comment.
Comfortable or uncomfortable is just your choice @hanggggbeeee.
If you have read my comment carefully, you will notice that there is a legitimate doubt and question here that has not yet been answered.
That is rule of that contest. Was it clear enough? Venezuelan want to join then they neeed to follow the rule. Number is chosen by computer. Not him. The fact is there is no winner actually. U think he just do that contest like scam or sth. Scam for 21$ upvote from venezuelan?? Plz. Do u know how much money he has given away? I know your doubt is legitimate. But dont get him wrong. :))

"The number closer to the computer pick will win"Yeah @hanggggbeeee the rules of the contest were clearly established. And most of us decided participate as it had been described. But since there was no winner, that's why I decided to suggest & propose that, same as with his other contests, he also incorporate into the Venezuelan's the rule that:
So there should always be a winner no matter what.
Rest assured that I don't get him wrong in the most minimal way. I only try that his contest is as legitimate and fair as possible for his Venezuelan brothers also.
I got your point. :) but if you try to comment in more positive and friendly way, he may accept your opinion and do it in next contest. ^^ sorry u was too keen
I'm glad you finally got my point dear. :)
And hope everyone else also gets it in the same way.
Certainly, I'm a highly amiable and cordial chap who usually tend to express things in a positive and friendly way. But clearly, I have no hairs on my tongue to say what needs to be said. Always for the benefit and good health of what should be totally transparent & fair. ;)
haterun número al azar escogido por random,org es decir computarizado lo que coloque en otros concursos no deberia impotar en este.Hola @por500bolos no entiendo tu actitud de es chimbo ver alguien comportarse asi en las redes. Este concurso es de @dang007 y sus reglas claramente son "Number will be pick from (computer pick)" en traducción por si usas google translator en tus publicaciones
Desde un principio yo y unos amigos hicimos magia para que el concurso se realizara porque estaba CANCELADO, me parece fuera de lugar que vengas con esto más aún sabiendo que SI puedes regalar 20 de STEEM porque como otros que si tienen la esperanza de ganar o la necesidad DEPENDEN de @cervantes y por lo que veo TÚ no dependes de ellos.
Ninguna actitud de haterseso a la situación de los resultados finales o no. Ciertamente, la descripción y reglas estaban claramente establecidas en el concurso en la que todos decidimos aceptar participar tal cual. Solo, que luego de los 'resultados' has de coincidir que una simple pregunta y sugerencia como la que planteo debe ser considerada por nuestros paisanos participantes para decidir continuar concursando bajo las mismas reglas o no. como pretendes hacerlo ver @jokossita. Simplemente es asunto tuyo si deseas aplicarle
En cuanto a ésta parte de mi comentario, te lo traduzco para que analices si tiene sentido o no mi pregunta.
"I can think of a thousand and one ways to also make and publish a video with 'results' where there is no winner"
"Yo podría pensar en mil y un maneras de crear y publicar un video en cuyos resultados no hubiese ningún ganador""
Ahora lo dejo a tu criterio si tú o los demás desean seguir participando. Especialmente, luego de que @dang007 ni siquiera se ha dignado en responder todavía a una simple pregunta adecuadamente tal y como merece ser respondida.
Eres en definitiva digno de tu nombre de steemit. Que pena los venezolanos como tu que no representan lo que somos
Sospecho que tu corta pasantía y adoctrinamiento con los Scouts te ha hecho un ser confiado en exceso hacia los demás.
Obviamente puedes decidir hacer lo que te plazca y seguir a la cacería de retos y concursos en los cuales participar sin cuestionar nada ni a nadie como acostumbras. Así sus reglas no luzcan lo suficientemente justas y transparentes.
Buena suerte con eso. }:)
Como dice el Refrán Popular: "cada ladrón juzga por su condición".
Ya que eres adepto a los refranes @rdelgadop, supongo que también debías conocer acerca de éste otro:
"La ignorancia es paraíso, la verdad es una selva"
Si no habías escuchado ese. Indaga e investiga. Anda paisano! que de seguro te va a hacer bien. :)
Coño de su madre, me pelé por 6 números.
Hola @erickrivera mira no puedo ver el vídeo por cuestiones de conexión sera que me puedes informar yo comente el numero 33
The number is 50
dang please try to give more contest ... it's interesting
Thank you @dang007 for this contest for us: Venezuelans!
Nobody won lol
Nobody choosed the number 62, so, nobody won xD
Me pele por 2 números deberían repartir el premio entre los que se aproximaron, en caso de que no haya un ganador😜
jaja yo por 5
Another opportunity please.
bueno, no gané pero no importa gracias @dang007 por hacer el concurso.