Hello, fellow Steemers! It is time for another "win that 5 SBD contest"!
What is your favorite toy and why?

That kiddy fun thought inspired me to post a contest that lets you win easily 5 SBD! Yes, you read that right! You win 5 SBD by posting a picture of your favorite toy in the comments section below and commenting why you like it. Your comment must be interesting enough.
Great, so what are the rules?
- Upvote and resteem this post first. I need to have the free publicity.
- Post a picture of your favorite toy in the comments section below and comment why you like it. Your comment has to be interesting.
- Only one entry per Steem username account to be fair.
- The entry that I choose as the most interesting by the time of this post's payout will win 5 SBD.
- Entries without following the 4 rules will not be eligible to win.
Please read the rules well before submitting your entry! No more upvotes by bots this time to be fair to others as I'll be the one to judge!
So simple but for a kid with a vivid imagination: countless hours of fun, creation and destruction. I used to set up trenches and bridges in the dirt with twigs, landmines and other traps, sometimes even going so far as to customize the plastic soldier with battle damage or a new pose/look. have huge battles and wars complete with tanks, helicopters, icbm's and more. I really loved them and loved to find rare ones, it was almost like collecting cards or something like that. it later transitioned into miniature tabletop war gaming for me in my teenage years and i enjoy that to this day in my early thirties. fond memories and some good direction for someone with a vivid imagination and idle hands like myself. hands down my favorite toy.
A barbie.. It is my favorite toys but i never had the chance to have this when i was a child.even the fake one. The one you just bought on the sidewalk vendor. We we're not born with a silver spoon so i am contented watching our neighbours child playing this. They can afford to buy it because her uncle is a seaman. And she's a little spoiled brat so I can't even touch it when she's playing. All i can do is making my own paper doll and imagine it was a barbie.hahaha. But it's okey. that's life. It takes time to have what you wanted. Just be patience. Atleast now my child can play whatever toys she want to play. And she can't feel what i feel when i was at her age.
My favorite toy is Mancala Board or we locally call this one as "SUNGKA" in our local dialect.
Yes this is my favorite because the toy & game remind me of our ancestors who first enjoyed this toy way back hundreds of years ago. People in our country especially living in province loved playing this toy & game.
Second, I play this toy or game online in a site where we players are being paid to play. The best part of it is that I am the 2nd best player on that site in Mancala game the number 1 player is also a Filipino. It's a worldwide player different countries but we excel on this game.
Thanks for this contest @darthnava it helps me remember the past years of my life.
i vote for this entry
Voted for this too because I love this toy too
Nice pic sir. i like play
Thank you @fendy have you played this game?
@darthnava - do you play this toy? Or have you played it before?
Sorry for my late reply.I saw this toy before when I was a kid but never played it.
I'll pass with this contest but I will vote for this, I wish i have sungka here in KSA, hehe
Thank you for voting sir @long888
Upvoted and resteemed!
@darthnava currently my favorite "toy" is my computer. It is quite old and crashes a lot, but I manage to have lots of fun. I especially like playing contest "games" on steemit! I like playing Sudoku on it too.
Other "toys" I like to play with are my gardening tools and stuff in my sewing box.
But my most favorite toy of all time is Bear Bear. He was given to me for my first birthday.
When I was a child, Bear Bear was more of a friend than a toy. He was kidnapped when I was in college and held hostage at another school (my sister's college). I rescued him but not before he was used to hide marijuana and he had to have major surgery (resewn) to his backside to correct the wrongs done to him. He still carries the scars to this day.
He is very old and very "real" and didn't want his photo taken as most of his fur is gone. but he loves me
I love this story!
Thank you. It is a true story. I keep him hidden anytime either of my sisters come to visit.
That is my favorite toy a ONE PIECE CHARACTER because when I was young I really love to play a toy characthers and untill now even if I am a big boy I collected and display it in my room .
Thanks to @darthnava to have a challenge like this and have a chance to join

Nice collections too
I love One Piece! Great collection!
Thank you so much for appreciating
I like this star drones because i don't have it when I was young and i tried to buy this toy to have an experience on controlling flying toys. Before I wish that someday I'll become a pilot and nothing's happen. That's why i like this toy.
Ayo is a popular Nigerian traditional board game, were two individuals try to win by getting the most seeds. The game is made up of 12 holes 6 on either side. There are a total of 48 seeds, 4 in each hole. A player is declared the winner if he is able to gather more seeds than his opponent. The game is played in anticlockwise motion with each player allowed up to 30 seconds for a move.
This game is exceptional and really fun. if you're looking for a way to kill time or maybe you just need a good mental workout. This is the game for you. I really enjoy playing over the weekend with friends.
Playing this was fun...
I used to collect numbers of diff colour spinning toys
Rolling and compatitng with friends was fun..
It was fun rolling around this toy..
This was only among few toys which i could afford during that time...
Thus its my best spinning toy sinse childhood.. Till date
90's kids will never ever forget this toy 😘

Let's go fishin well-loved fishing game.I remember this when i was young . We have 5 members on the family including me. So my dad always try to adjust only 4 players can play he was always teaching me how to catch a fish .This game teaches you hand -eye coordination. Gather fish as much as you can. I appreciate this game until now we still enjoy this whenever we travel because its super handy and small you can bring it anywhere you go. Now i'm a parent and i have a daughter she's 4, loves to play this game.We love to share good idea better strategy. I love this game because its all about family bonding having fun with each other. Where you can Value you're time with each other. It's like building strong connection with each other hand in hand. That's why its very important too Spend more time with you're love ones because you don't know whats gonna happen next. This game is for my dad just recently passed away. Only constant in this world is change.
We love you!👊
This is an improvised firearm used in the Philippines. We, the Filipino boys call it sumpak. It is especially common in remote villages where there are plenty of jungle with bamboo plants.
It consists of about a foot of bamboo branch open on both ends for “barrel” and a “trigger” made of 3 o 5 inches of same diameter but equipped with a sturdy and polished stick enough in length and thickness to go through the hole of the barrel. The “bullets” would be any soft material that could be plugged on the top end of the barrel then pushed through to the other end. Bullets could be wet paper, kapok flower buds, herb leaves, and unripe fruits of sapang (karrarawit in Ilocano; lubalob in Tagalog; scientific name: Bridelia stipularis).To operate, push one bullet towards the end of the barrel, then put another at the top end. When you push this second bullet, the air inside the barrel is compressed and pushes the other bullet out of the other end, creating a PLOK or other such popping sound. Innovations include putting a broken off 7-Up or Coke bottle neck to make the popping sound louder. Some have a hole on the side with which to push a succession of bullets, thus getting a semblance of rapid fire. It is fun playing longest-distance shooting or war games with this toy – some kids take too long chewing bits of paper for bullet; others take too long pounding the bullet to allow for tighter air and thus stronger shoot.
I used to make this bamboo pumpgun during my younger days and this is one of the reason why I enjoyed a lot my childhood days. 🙂
Mi juguete favorito de niño sigue siendo mi juguete favorito de grande, se trata nada más y nada menos que la perinola, balero , se conoce de diferentes maneras en distintas regiones (BOLICHE, como se lo conoce en mi cuidad), cuando era niño competiamos a ver quien hacía más repeticiones , sin duda un juego divertido y competitivo.
Es un juego tradicional en Venezuela y sirve muy bien como pasa tiempo y esos juguetes se usan en temporadas divididas en meses.
Hello, ones always like a child! This my toy very important to me because it was a gift from my boyfriend to me.I always sleep with this toy. Actually I'm going to tell you my story. "The powerpuff girls" cartoon, you know that its. A group of friends I had when I was 9-10 years old at my school. We were 3 girls. So, always we have used the power puff girls characters. This was so much fun! And As you can see, I'd be Blossom… We're now 20 years old together with my girl friends. When we get together we talk about those days again. Things like this is making me emotional. And a happy person… I'm telling my boyfriend my childhood memories. He buy this Blossom for me when I told them he. I was surprised and incredibly happy I was. Because this is a pretty emotional moment. He always make me happy. Thanks my darling... And thank you for read me. Hope you like it!

This is the best yet simple toy I had when I was a kid. I was not able to buy expensive toys that time but being a kid, you will do everything to have this awesome childhood to remember, right? Yes, if you look at it, it does look like you can not do a lot to it. But I'll show you some games using it that might surprise you and think that I really had and awesome childhood day. :)
Before, when I knew that some of my friends cant play with me yet for some reason, I sit somewhere else and play with some of it with my fingers, exploring and discovering what shapes I can make with it. And yes it never made me bored! :)
This one is really epic. I was competing with some little boys and playing thiis. It's a rubber band race using both hands tapping the floor producing wind or air to make the rubber band move till the finished line. The more rubberband you get to the finished line the more rubber band u'll win and take.
My childhood friends and I love collecting them. The more rubber band, the longest you can make and show to some other kids what you have really make them jealous. Haha😝
We make some things with it too, like this one. A bracelet, necklace and even ring. 😍😍😍
This game is "Sulot" you gather sand and make a small mountain like then hide the rubber bands in and everyone will find and pick it using a stick. The more rubber band you find the marrier!😂😂😂
And this is my most favorite of all, the "Chinese Garter". I know it's every girl kids favorite that time. Jumping, looking funny and jolly infront of people. Haha
And yes, when time to go home, your mom will call you before it is getting dark and you're all scared so once she is looking for something to tie her hair, give her some rubber band. Haha.😆 What a very useful and helpfull toy for me too.😂
My favorite toy is a paper made boat. And luckily I just made one. This are the steps I took to make a boat from a blank paper
step 1: straighten the paper

step 2 : Fold paper halfway and wrap edges around the folded portion

Step 3: open the paper from inside out to form the square shape
step 4 : fold the loose edge so that it wraps around the other edge and repeat step 3 again

Step 5 : open the paper from the loose edge to reveal your paper made boat.
I love this toy because it is easy and always creative to make and I love being creative all the time. I hope you like it
We had tourneys...
and collected them and ate them, well the dog ate some...

This is a picture from so long ago of us playing with them! We made the little ring, toothpicks and rubber bands for the ropes...

Thanks for the memories!
Excellent choice. I wish I still had my collection.
I really like this toy.No there is nothing exceptional about the toy.The toy is not expensive in fact it is very cheap.Still i like this toy very much because there is something which gives me some good feelings.My mom bought the toy for my daughter and when she came with the toy she told me that this is the same toy which she bought for me 34 years ago.So me and my daughter started our life to play with the same toy.This is why this is my favorite toy.@upvoted and @resteemed.
Great contest bringing us to our childhood when all we think is playing and playing and playing.. Here's my favorite toy (well its not the usual toy that usually played by many) I choose this because I played a lot with this in my childhood and lots of memories that makes me really happy and smile till now.. With this we can play different kind of games:

2)slipper batter your opponent will throw slipper on you ang you'll gonna slap it and throw as far as you can then run to home base as fast as you can without getting caught (I remember myself playing this when I was 23 and I fall down on my knees and got a reward having scar)
And many more games like bato lata , maring-maring, bika-bika another games that uses slipper. This game we're fun and challenging. That's why I love slippers as a toy because of its many use for fun and very affordable and easy to find in times of boredom and nothing else to play with.
'Kariling' or old tire
This is my favorit when I was a child of several reason:
The Moment I rolled the tire and with other child, joy cannot describe. Its nice to play on the rolling place with humps, open area and specially on rainy days because I was thingking that I had riding motorcross. Even if it was muddy nothing can stop me.
I remember that when my parents instruct me to buy or called somebody I never leave my tire and rolled. sometimes my parents got angry with me beacause where ever I go I brought it because I dont want to lost it or sometimes I was thingking that when I went home somebody playing on it.
Oh! Thats a child's life.
Since I was a kid until now this is my most requested toy I love to play with bubbles, it is really fun and interesting. Happiness is in the bubbles, every time I blow bubbles and spend much time playing bubbles I never regret it because the happiness I feel is true and I am really enjoying as if I am still a kid. Aside from happiness i am blowing my troubles aways along the bubbles and all my troubles and sorrow fades away. Bubbles is somekind sort of comform for me although I look liked a kid somehow I find myself enjoying, I dont care what other say I loved what im doing and sharing my happiness to my son, nephews and nieces.
This might sounds funny but true since I did not grow up in a rich family and no way for me to ask for money to buy toys...these is my favorite toys since I was a kid, with my playmates who happens to be my cousins, neighbors and siblings, "CANDY WRAPPERS and BOTTLE CAPS... you know why???

Thanks to this very interesting contest that reminds me of my childhood life which I treasured the most, I could still remember the reason why I choose candy wrappers and bottle caps as my favorite toys which indeed really true, I woke up early in the morning then to make sure that my playmates will not be able to collect candy wrappers and caps as many as I can collect, this was because in my young mind I want to get a role of a rich charater in our "Bahay bahayan" game later in the afternoon, in this game (Filipinos can relate) We play and pretend with a nice house with different designs, and of course a house will never become a home without a family members..so we will have a mommy, a daddy and children...
So going back to my favorite toys, we use it as our money to buy and sell goods with our playmates, pretending "Candy mint" wrapper as 500pesos, "Snowbear" as 100pesos and "white rabbit" wrapper as 50pesos and caps as 10peso coin, though we recycled a lot of things way back then as our toys, still I valued the most those candy wrappers and bottle caps that I used to play and made my young mind not just the thought of being rich but help me lead to become mature and learn to budget money whe n I got married at the young age of 21...hope you find this interesting...
I love the hula hoop, it was my best toy for me. I love dancing and playing with the hula hoops help me to move my waist faster and it is a form exercise for me too. I still do have like 5 hula hoops
Car toy, i love playing with toy car when am still a kid, back in old days when i use to tight rope at front of the toy car and i will be rolling it manually if i don't have battary to roll it automatically.
This is my favorite toy dagger set. I play with them a lot when I was a kid but for some reason, my parents always hid them away.
I rate them by stylish point like Devil May Cry:
Left most one is very effective but low stylish point (C grade).
4th one from the left is deadly and high stylish (SSS grade).
Sometimes I'd like to dual wield as well for double damage output. A stealth rogue needs a good dagger set for excellent assassination.
"I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze, you killed my father. Prepare to die"
Too funny! I think you should win @sumdumphok LOL
Thanks, jazzy. Like my daggers, I aim to please.
Bwahahahahaa! I cant stop laughing.
Assassin is a real serious business. Why do girls keep laughing at my dagger set? I don't understand.
I dunno. It just made me laugh
i vote this for the win XD
For the Brotherhood.
"poisoned" by my friend into collecting this masterpieces..4 gundam from the Mobile Suit Gundam:Iron Blooded Orphaned series..from the left Barbatos,Astaroth,Gusion and Vidar.
Putting each part of the gundam makes me happy.it's not just about installing each piece. You have to refine each part with sandpaper before installing it. every part needs to be carefully sanded with sandpaper.
This is my favorite toy because of - Batman! Automobile! LEGO!
I personally like cars and LEGO is my childhood toy that even now at my current age (almost 30 y/o), I still collect LEGO! Not to forget my favorite DC superhero - Batman! And yea, this is perhaps the 2nd biggest LEGO set I have and this took me around nice 7 days to assemble. Enjoyed assembling every parts and pieces of it!
I have a similar one, superb. I collect boxed lego and only open some when hassled into it by my daughter. collecting star wars at the moment.
I wanted to be the very best, Like no one ever was...
To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause...
I would've traveled across the land searching far and wide......
......if it wasn't because of my mom's beating I could've been a pokemon master. My parents just bought me a nintendo just to play the game inside the house. SO here I am 20 years after still playing the game on a different console with a different version.
These are my favorite toys.. they're called Flippin Stix.. I make them out of recycled bicycle innertubes...
my favorite toy was the nintendo, games like "Mario Bros" or "Bomberman" marked my childhood, but none more than "Battle Citty".
I passed by my mom having fun, eating gummies or cereal while asking for a life because I lost too fast .

I adored Tonka Trucks when I was a kid. I never owned one, though. I would play with my neighbors'. I would get good and muddy between this and our constant quest to build an underground fort. We would kindly relocate any earthworms we happened across.
I was fairly fixated on these and Hot Wheels, probably at least partly because I wasn't allowed to have any. I'm a trans guy, and though I don't ever remember any childhood proclamations that I was a boy, my parents pushed really hard all things girly on me (while my sister was allowed to be a tomboy), so I wonder if I did say things and just don't remember because I was too little. I kept getting Barbie dolls. Know how I "played Barbies"? I took out the Barbie box, and spent all afternoon taking over the foyer building a Barbie house out of blocks and tapes and Legos and whatever else I deemed good building material. Then I would dress the dolls and put them in their hosue. The end. 😂
I really lik this Goku super saiyan doll because it was the only one that i have during my 12th birthday and i kept it good. But it was robbed by some kids who silently came into my house and it was my sad story until now im 34yrs old I still longing that doll to come back to me. I was waiting for so long just to get this doll during that time but it was past and me still missed my Goku~
For me it has to be the Yoyo.. i dont remember what makes me interested in them but i remember the first time i heard about the yoyo is during my elementary school day in the late 90's. I remember how me and few of my friend snuck out of the school gate just to buy yoyo from this shady dude with a sack full of handmade yoyo, cost us around RM2 i think for each.
Why i love this toy, cause i'm the best among all my friend, i was admired and treated with respect among my friend just because of this toy, i learn most of my tricks from one of my cousin who unexpectedly love this too, he even got a VHS of trickshots.
My favourite toy is 'blocks'. I played it since young but back then it was only one wooden colour. Now it has more colours on the wood. I love blocks as it helps enhance my imagination as I build something. And you can play it differently. You can stack the blocks up and see how high they can go. You can learn colours by grouping them into same colours. You can learn shapes and sort them out too. You can also use the blocks to place on the paper preventing the paper from flying away due to wind. Blocks are so multipurposes! I enjoyed playing it with my sister when I was young.
Now I play blocks with my children. It is the toy that they can spend longer time in. And I see they materialised their imagination into what they build. And it is certainly awesome children-parents bonding time.
Parents who play together with their children will learn more, grow more and younger in brain. Haha. So definitely blocks are my favourite toys.
Hi friend my favorite toy Marcala Board or we locally call this one as "SUNGKA" in our local dialect.People in our country especially living in province loved playing this toy & game.

Bamboo bamboo game has an educative nature because it contains the value of creativity to create the tool.
I'd love to loot your village lol
I realy want to participate but i never like any toy.
hello steemit, this is my entry to the contest Win 5 SBD By Posting A Pic of Your Favorite Toy And Commenting Why You Like It. from
What about friends of steemit.
This was my favorite childhood toy I do not know what you call it but in my country (Venezuela) it is called (pouch), well it's my favorite toy because with it I could spend hours on the street hahahaha if playing with my friends childhood we could share each other playing with them in the air and in many cases enrredandolas with each other to make the game more fun and at times I sold my flasks to other friends who liked. Well I hope you liked them and thanks :)
Great contest!! Driving my 1/5 scale monster truck "Mega Beetle" means extreme fun. I own it since 2012 and the car made many mileson offroad tracks. I hope my children will have fun with it, too. Mayby next year @tobstar2
This is my favorite in my childhood days....
Building self-esteem and confidence
When children first come to counselling it’s a novel experience and usually it takes a little while to settle into the idea of what the norms and rules are for this particular type of interaction.
We have often found that by starting with a familiar activity, this can quickly help to establish rapport and encourage self-confidence. Children often don’t know what to say or how to act early on in counselling, but asking them to show us how to make a bracelet is an opportunity for them to relax into something that they know how to do.
This is my childhood game. Bamboo cannon or weapon
The equipment used in this game is bamboo, bamboo, and lamps. The process of making bamboo bedrels begins by choosing old bamboo so as not to break easily. Then the length of bamboo is cut from 1 to 1.5 meters with a diameter of 10 -15 cm. The section of the segment is perforated on the inside, except at the base. At the base of the base is perforated by the thumb. In that hole kerosene and cloth are inserted.
Bamboo bamboo game has an educative nature because it contains the value of creativity to create the tool. In addition, bamboo rifles also contain the value of fighters based on their history in defending our nation and our country first.
We love to play it. We are happy with his explosive sounds pretty big
Like the sound of a real bomb
Oh my Gods that made me laugh. What do you fire from them? When I was a child kids made potato cannons but got in serious trouble because one hit a car windshield!
Hehehe. we are still there now playing bamboo cannon. his voice lost with firecrackers. children here can play bamboo cannon.
it is my favourite toy.because i like it.
Ur post are so nice forever
this toy is my favorite, because when the time i get bored , i shot a lizard in my house .
this is a toy soldier, this toy is very liked by my boy, he often spends his time with this toy army and sometimes forget to eat and learn.
The billiard game is indeed nice to see but hard to in maenkan, if friends do not believe please in cobak aja, because this game, we must be good at entering the ball sequentially sometimes the ball that we will hit the holder is very difficult, tp we must find a way so the ball yg yg we hit it must be without touching the ball laen, what if the ball that we touch the ball laen then we will come out ,,,,
so many of my good luck to try to make friends all thanks.
I collect toys as a hobby and these two are my favorite from my collection! Mainly because it's MMPR, it represents my childhood & it's super fun to combine these two into one Zord! All i'm missing now is the Ultrazord, would probably reshoot the whole MMPR franchise in stop motion if my collection is complete! It's morphin time!😂🐲
what an amazing contest!
this is my favorite toy and my sister. toy tayo car