So here is my own entry/poem @papa-pepper
Title: Steem the cash cow
In the dark of night, the clouds gave way for the fight
It was yet another day by the farmers side.
Comfort or steem he had to choose,
Clothes he wore like rag, he dared not brag
the cow he loved, he soon would lose.
Family pressure on him like nuke,
hunger was a friend called Luke.
Sell steem the cow, voices in his head whispered
Or don't sell me, steem the cow mooed.
I can give you milk, sell or maybe....
I can make you rich, ask your lady...
While I fed in the field, I saw her diamond.
Lost she knew not where, time she could not tell
I can give you milk, sell or maybe....
I can make you rich, ask your lady....
Am the steem cash cow, when you are ready.