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RE: It's a win win!

in #contest8 months ago

How did this happen? It's not like it's Winter out there, right?

We buy raw milk from a local farmer a dozen at a time and freeze half. My silly sibling, whose grasp on reality can be a bit tenuous, stuffed the 12 into the freezer in the glass bottles without pouring a little from each. Fortunately, the tops popped which stopped the glass from breaking.

My profuse thanks for taking part in my contest. It was a test of @blanchy's assertion that nobody reads Hive posts and Blanch, you're right...Almost!


Almost. You can count a few of those as ... er... natural aberration.
Happy Hiveversary 🎈🎁🍕 !PIZZA

Thank you m'dear. As to natural aberrations, I would contend that everyone is pixelated except me.....🙃

i.e. you are not sick with digital disease, if I understand you correctly? in this case - good for you! 😃

Hahah, not quite. One of the meanings of pixilated is 'very eccentric or behaving as if mentally unbalanced' :)

We buy raw milk from a local farmer a dozen at a time and freeze half. My silly sibling, whose grasp on reality can be a bit tenuous, stuffed the 12 into the freezer in the glass bottles without pouring a little from each. Fortunately, the tops popped which stopped the glass from breaking.


Glad the 'tops popped off and saved you from some serious mess and or making the stuff undrinkable unless you are a glass eater.

It was a test of @blanchy's assertion that nobody reads Hive posts and Blanch, you're right...Almost!

I am known to be a notorious stalker, on here.

A stalker? Really? I heard you were a nutter!:)