Xaya - "Decentralized Autonomous Universes"

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Introduction to the world of video games

The games based on cryptocurrencies have a modest history, they have not had a great popularity in the world of cryptocurrencies, due to different factors such as the correct functioning or the control that users may have on their assets, which in many cases the controllers of the assets are the platform's directive.

A game that became a little popular was that of CrypyoKitties, which was a game where you had to raise cats using the blockchain of Ethereum to market and demonstrate the ownership of the owner of the crypto cats, in addition to this game there have also been others from massive multiplayer role like Dragon's Tale which was an online game (MMORG) where it was possible to invest Bitcoin in the result of a variety of mini-games, these games although they did not have a great impact could prove that it was possible to unite the world of cryptocurrencies with video games.

The world of video games has been slow to catch up in the world of cryptocurrencies, although it has been shown that games can be executed without being subject to direct control from a centralized server. In 2013 as in 2014 there was a lot of Bitcoin-based games such as SatoshiDice, BitZino, Bit777 among others, it was not until 2015 when there was a brief but noticeable increase in games that finally offered cryptocurrencies as a method of rewarding play.

But coming back a few years ago, there was a game that had a more significant impact, in 2014 there was a project which was only designed to last 1 year but due to its great acceptance and success still continues today, this game is Huntercoin.


Huntercoin is another (MMORPG) that initially emerged as a prototype in 2013, was developed to create solutions to technical challenges and to be tested in the market, Huntercoin was a great success, with just a few months of being launched had already achieved the creation of more than 35 thousand characters which were controlled simultaneously.

Although some specialized hardware was needed and a medium-level technical knowledge was available, it was not an obstacle for the acceptance of part of the users, nor did it prevent players from undermining cryptocurrencies called (HUC), which were found in the game world they could be taken to several "randomly generated banks", which sent the money of the players to the wallets.

Xaya, changing the world of videogames

Xaya is a platform in charge of managing more complex and attractive game worlds, and also to ensure the exchange and trade of virtual assets, Xaya makes all this possible through the democratization of development and the implementation of the game. Xaya will offer all the necessary tools and an infrastructure with the latest advances so that in this way the game developers are in charge of building better games based on the block chain.

The players can be benefited by Xaya because the developers can generate games that are autonomous and decentralized, where the players will have 100% activity. As if that were not enough Xaya has been responsible for solving the problems of scaling that have been a big problem for the worlds of massive games and their inventories, they have achieved a scale without chain without confidence for gaming channels

In short, the idea or purpose of Xaya is to play using blockchain in a way that manages a system that is safer, decentralized, with an autonomous platform where you can build a great diversity of games.

Xaya - Huntercoin

Xaya (formerly Chimaera) successfully implemented the Huntercoin experiment in 2013, which as explained above had a great success and has been afloat until now due to its great acceptance (this gave Xaya an experience in the world of blockchain based games), together achieved great global achievements.

As it was to have created the first game world that was built entirely in blockchain and that was a decentralized multiplayer game, where the first allowable cryptocurrency was seen. Xaya in addition to having knowledge in the Huntercoin experiment is also based on important knowledge in Namecoin, and through all this will be responsible for offering a variety of tools for game developers to build their own game worlds, making the most of the technology Xaya.

Explaining a little more about Xaya and the knowledge in Namecoin, it is worth saying that most of the parts of the Xaya consensus protocol are inherited from Namecoin, and both parties implement a ledger that is based on "transaction outputs" not worn. One important difference of Xaya with Namecoin is that Namecoin registers names in a two-step process whereas Xaya always performs them in a single transaction.


Xaya is perfectly positioned to execute his vision

Xaya already has experience in the world of games based on the blockchain, have been successful in the market with its implementation of Huntercoin, now they want to go further and break the barriers that can be found today and revolutionizing the world of videogames as we know it, Xaya has great visions, some of them are to offer the necessary infrastructure so that millions of users can compete and cooperate in decentralized realities that do not need servers to operate or offer the acquisition of rare artifacts that have a real value in the real world.

Xaya is looking for developers to launch games in less time and for less money, without having to worry about servers or account management, and that both players and developers can share a result of mutual benefit where they can capitalize new sources of income.

But Xaya has been working on finding out how all these options are possible through a single personality platform based on blockchain, which offers Decentralized Autonomous Universes, real virtual properties and a fast and profitable game concept that allows to market a large variety of new games.


Xaya is aimed at the market of games and cryptocurrencies that there are currently but also seek to be innovative through the creation of games in the chain of blocks, this new market is more flexible than other simple commercial systems that use smart contracts.

Xaya seeks to train new developers, this project is directed to both parties, players and developers, with the aim of democratizing the development of games, Xaya seeks that players generate value in the real world through the exchange of virtual objects of a game to another, and all that would be possible with the correct adoption of the tools and applications of Xaya.

Key and important points in the operation of Xaya

Xaya has been responsible for being innovative in the best way and through the experience they already have, which gives them a better option to revolutionize the market, some of these points are:

  • Human Mining, was initially applied in the game Huntercoin, this genre is about the chain of blocks and how they spread and in this way the rewards are distributed through the success that the player obtains in the online competition.

  • DR, or Decentralized Reality, are virtual worlds where there is no central authority, it is a democratic ecosystem where all those involved are in charge of the state of the world.

  • Atomic Trading, Xaya being a pioneer in Namecoin allows the commercialization of virtual assets free of any fraud, where the judadores obtain the profits equally and what has already been agreed.

  • Game Channels, are networks of points, so in this way any player, no matter how much they are can participate in the game in real time and without any problem.

Also Xaya has 6 important keys, which are:

  • Scalable, with a design from scratch that has game channels for virtually unlimited transactions, offering greater performance in the gaming worlds.

  • No Servers, allows players to not have to worry or think about centralized servers, since they only have to execute their games in the blockchain.

  • Safe Trading, offers an exchange of assets and coins in the game totally safe, with 0% fraud when the exchanges are made.

  • MMO, was designed with the purpose of having a 24/7 activity for online multiplayer games.

  • Real Ownership, with the purpose of going further in the market and showing that ownership of assets is not just buying, selling and marketing, it goes beyond the limits.

  • Easy Development, the Xaya API offers to send and receive data from blockchain without complex intelligent contracts, besides it is not necessary to learn new languages, developers can feel free when building a game in any language, C ++, JavaScript, .NET among others.

  • Proven Secure, the Xaya blockchain through a customized PoW mining method have a high level of security.

  • Provably Fair, totally free of cheating games, a fair system so that any player can show how valuable it can be freely and fairly.

Upcoming games - Xaya

Treat Fighter


In this game you can take on the role of one of Canedoom's supreme lords. Each player will have the power to create the wrestler they want. They can fight in individual battles or tournaments where they will gain prestige and sweets, it is necessary to have a high level of prestige and goodies in order to obtain better rewards.

The owners of these characters can decide without buying or selling the candy, and so get more reward, or just be a quiet player who will also get great things. With this game you can obtain rare recipes and participate in tournaments, all this with the game running correctly in the block chain.

Soccer Manager Crypto

"Together with Xaya we are developing a groundbreaking manager experience" Source

Soccer manager is already a game known in many parts of the world, where you are the head coach and you are in charge of creating the best possible club and becoming the best football manager.

"Soccer Manager Crypto is a provably fair, decentralized, massively multiplayer football management game. This is the first game of its kind, and it's nothing short of revolutionary. " Source

Now with this association with Xaya the game gets a plus that will take it even higher in the list of the best games, having that aggregate will have more users using them and more publicity worldwide. Xaya also leaves very victorious with this association because it will have an immediate exposure of thousands of users or millions, but all this through the offer to Soccer Manager of a complete blockchain game experience.

This blockchain-based approach offers players a real economy, the game currency, stadiums and everything related are now part of transfers, exchange or sales. Soccer Manager Crypto also has its own game currency called (SMC), whose features are:

  • Real market transfers, Play to earn, fair play, a 24/7 operation, there will be no time for a break and the option of massive multiplayer.


Definition of the problem

  • Problem of the developers, the problem for many new and independent developers is that many projects or tools are not within their reach or in their budget, that is why developers can not reach the gaming market.

    But without the developers could count on the appropriate and necessary tools, and of blockchain for the creation of numerous new worlds of decentralized autonomous games, they would be able to eliminate these limitations that the developers usually have. Although similarly they could meet technical challenges that are related to the scalability of the universe of games increasingly rich and complex within the MMO games, as well as the challenges of escalations related to cryptocurrencies.

  • Problems of players, every time there is a greater desire that the universes of virtual games more and more rich in which the property of assets are important for the state of the player and the progression through any game, this means that the Players can be rewarded in some way with assets with value in the real world or by virtual elements available in other games.

    But this is a big challenge, since you need an asset storage registry that is fully scalable and in real time for any independent player, another challenge would be to create a means to manage the property and share in complex games as it would be the case of any common MMO game.

Key characteristics for the solution of these problems

For developers, these features range from partially or non-decentralized game development, to the development of multiplayer games, virtual coins, the ability to build player loyalty and broad game engine compatibility.

For players these characteristics range from a demonstrable gameplay, players need that reliability and stability when playing, they need an activity that is 24/7, an assurance of the assets, the possibility of making virtual asset exchanges and generate a conversion to real value and wallet accounts readable by humans and "addresses".

Xaya also has solution features for followers ranging from a high value cryptocurrency utility, access to large gaming markets and the creation of new game genres.

Xaya solution as a whole vision

The Xaya platform, in addition to offering these features for the aforementioned developers, will also offer them all the necessary tools and infrastructure so that game developers can build their own game worlds, which go hand in hand with the vision and project of Xaya, It will be a work together.

In this way the developers can take full advantage of the technology that Xaya is offering them to build decentralized games and issue their own game currency, which can be exchanged for "CHI" which is the official currency of Xaya or any other currency or assets of Xaya games.

Source: WhitePaper, Page 12

Technical details

As previously explained, Xaya is based on the proven technology of Namecoin, so Xaya will implement game accounts and interchangeable assets in the game, in order to guarantee that the property can be traced safely in the blockchain in a decentralized manner .

For a simpler explanation, you only need to transfer the item sold as the corresponding payment in the CHI currency, among the participants of the same transaction, this transaction must be signed by both parties so that it is valid, so that this happens both transfers or none, in this way fraud is avoided by the user when he only makes the payment and the article is not transferred, or vice versa.

"To illustrate the importance of such prevention: worldwide for every legitimate IAP (In-App Purchase) there are 7.49 fraudulent ones." Source

Source: WhitePaper, Page 14

For Xaya the global state can be almost any global data that codes all in the world of the game, the clients usually track this state for specific games, in this way a user of Xaya only needs to process and store states for the games that interest him, users can update the global status through transactions made in the Xaya block chain.

Xaya is focused on the fact that the key to success is solving the scalability problem that exists today, and after the learning that was left to them after the Huntercoin experiment they were able to solve the problem of scalability for blockchain games finally, the solution that they found was the invention of gaming channels.

The game channels are those that allow players to perform a turn-based game in a more reliable way, without having to register every movement in the main block chain, so that it is only necessary to record the movements is a private side chain, all this is possible through a hash chain structure.

But for all this to be possible it is necessary that the players reach an agreement of the outcome of the game, and so the prize can be distributed in a transaction of 2 of 2 transactions with multiple signatures, if the players do not agree then the side chain will allow that the honest player shows the public that he is right according to the rules of the game and thus claim his reward.

Source: WhitePaper, Page 16

But there is still a latent problem that remains of the main design of the gaming channels which is that if a dispute arises but then resolves, the game continues as before, the negative of this is that in this way the process places the transactions in the main block chain, thus eliminating scalability gains. And there may be players who only dedicate themselves to interrupting a game and causing disputes, users who do this may only be implementing this to irritate those honest players and to damage the platform of the game.

The best solution to these problems are ephemeral time stamps

They have the following two useful properties:

  • The nodes send some data (D) to mark them in time (T), all this through the public network P2P, this is in large part to the construction of Merkle, which eliminates the transaction fees, since it does not have any cost in the chain of blocks, and in this way the miners have an economic incentive.

  • Timestamps can be used to demonstrate to the P2P network when a participant could have known (D) at the time (T) but all this in case it is necessary for a dispute. In large part this is used to make it clear that a player is not following the rules of the game.

Unlike the previous point specified, this one does have a transaction fee and requires a transaction in the chain of blocks, but an advantage is that disputes will always be paid by the defector player.

It is for these reasons that the ephemeral time stamps allow Xaya to improve the game channels, so that no honest player loses his money for a dispute, thus generating a better ecosystem.

Appendix of Xaya

  • Xaya Developer Hub, are in charge of providing the tools that developers need for the development of online or decentralized games in the platform, offering them SDK / API, documentation, example code, among other things.

    Apart from the tools that the developers need, they also provide them with the tools for a correct use of Xaya and thus create and manage simple and safe assets.

  • Xaya ecosystem, the Xaya ecosystem is powered by its CHI currency, the Xaya products and services have the task of fostering an environment where the use of CHI is necessary, all this attracting developers and players to the platform.

    This generates an increase in the value of the CHI currency so it is beneficial for all the participants of the Xaya ecosystem, and with this the price of games for people is reduced.

  • Autonomous World Game Studio, are responsible for developing the best high quality Blockchain games, which will be launched through the Xaya developers center. What is sought with this is to develop as many games as possible in order to grow the platform and the ecosystem, as there would be more players discovering blockchain games.

  • Xaya Trading Platform, will allow trustless trading of CHI for assets and game currencies; At all times the participants will have complete control of their own private keys, so that Xaya does not need the possession or management of assets or coins to be able to function.

Token Supply

The Xaya Token Exchange Period (TEP) allows the exchange in BTC for those users who wish it, as well as other cryptocurrencies for CHI. The (TEP) will be divided into two, the pre-sale publishes and the main sale of tokens.

CHI Currency, being the reserve currency of Xaya will be used to feed all transactions. Like account creation, buying, renting game assets, gambling and coin transactions and many other things.

The coins will be distributed as follows:

Source: WhitePaper, Page 23

Allocation of funds

Source: WhitePaper, Page 24

Use Cases - Xaya

Case 1

Peter is a fan of cryptocurrencies as virtual reality games, he can easily spend many hours of the day to invest and sell cryptocurrencies as well as spend hours on the computer playing any game that catches your attention, just as a form of entertainment.

But Peter also made a profit from so many hours spent playing video games, and one day while he was buying some cryptocurrencies and inadvertently investigating Xaya, he read a little more about this platform and could not leave the astonishment that it was a platform that offered several games where you could make a profit because they have their own cryptocurrency.

Without hesitation, decided to enter a virtual reality game that Xaya offered, since this type of games are Peter's favorites, I am also amazed at how Xaya could solve the problems of scalability and translate it into a virtual reality game, Peter knew that as to him, this solution and offer that Xaya offers was going to draw the attention of many cryptocurrency investors and of many gamers.

Case 2

Alex is a car enthusiast, but he has not been able to pass the driving tests he has done so he can not drive a real car, he does not do very well, but when it comes to video games he is the best driving car.

Alex loves car racing games, it's a hobby he has, he usually spends them many hours, for each race the winner gets several reward coins, coins with which he can buy spare parts or improve the cars he drives but that It's everything, you do not get any reward with real value, there are many hours devoted to video games without a real incentive.

But one day he saw an ad on a platform called Xaya that one of the benefits it offers is to offer better rewards to users, so Alex does not hesitate to join this platform and start playing his career games and get many coins for their victories, and through Xaya these coins get a real value and so Alex use them for some transaction or for easy exchange, but through Xaya, Alex was able to continue dedicating many hours to video games but now with a great reward.


Source: WhitePaper, Page 26

Team Xaya

Source: WhitePaper, Page 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32


The blockchain technology has had a great impact on the world as we know it, generating great changes to the economy and revolutionizing the market. The world of videogames worldwide has a large income, of billions of dollars per year in revenue from purchase or investment of popular or unpopular video games, the ability to integrate video games to the block chain and the serious decentralized world a plus and it would be a great positive impact for the economy.

Over the last few years we saw how a few videogames took the initiative, where some had more success than other games, one of the ones that had the greatest impact was the Huntercoin, which was only a one year experiment and ended up being permanent until the moments.

That's where Xaya got his experience in this field and decided to create improvements in this innovation to achieve a greater impact, Xaya has managed to solve several problems such as the block chain of games, scalability, the reward of users and offering the developers the necessary tools for the development of new games that drives them even more in the market.

As a final result of all this was a videogame platform of last generation, which gives control to the developers, greater benefits to the users and solves the weak points that in previous platforms that offered coins in the video games had, personally I am sure that Xaya will have a great impact and success in this market, since it has been a work of years for the perfect development.

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