Paula was a single mother who lived with her young son Paul. During the day she worked as a domestic worker and at night she was a hospital nurse. Paul, as he grew up, asked his mother: Mommy, where's my dad? My school friends make fun of me because I do not have a father, she answered him: Son someday you will meet him, be patient !.
Years later, Paula, sick of the lungs, a disease that was deteriorating little by little, Paul, worried about his health, left the studies to take care of her. One day Paula called her son and said: "My son, I give you this bottle, the day I die you must take it to this address, there you will ask about José who is your father.
The day his mother died, Paul brought the message that his mother had bottled to the indicated address. When he arrived at the place that touched the door, a man greeted him, Paul with sad eyes said: Papa, I am your son! my mother Paula sent you this message. They embraced each other strongly and since that day they lived together, José filled the emptiness that once he left to his son.