Pain, is not this real.
Time, is an immortal soul.
We will; become one.
I love haiku! @vdux thanks for the shoutout, always killin it with awesome contests. Much love. Just realized I wasnt following you! My steemify app let me know. Its made my @blockbrothers followed now. Wont miss any more of your blogs.
Great! Good to see you again! I use steemify too.
Can you revise the first line so it's 5 syllables? I'm a stickler (not in real life, but for the contest) because I want everybody to have to follow the same rules. Fairness, and all.
Oops didnt catch that! Edited!
it's still 6 love pain -1 not -2 re-3al-4 li-5 ty -6
Im so dumb. Holy cow. K
May I suggest- pain is illusion
you're not dumb ... sometimes reading it aloud helps ...
P.S now it's 4 not 5 LOL don't kill me ...
D: okay not dumb but in need of a serious visit to grammar school.
next time sound it out and use your fingers to tap it out it can help it translates it into music
Thanks for your haikus! I posted the winners announcement.