
Well done! When I visit my Grandma in florida I always wish I had brought my machete for gardening! But they dont let me onto the plane with it...

You wish to chop down our beautiful saw palmettos? LOL! I have these growing in a wild natural area in my yard.

Just trim the lower leaves turning brown, maybe prune back some of the other tropical bushes, get some mulch or stone and re-establish the paths, maybe wash the bird feeder; theres always work to do ;p

I also keep some wild areas down here. Can't keep everything 'clean'! In permaculture they say its good to leave a 'zone 5' where we only observe and take selfies, no machetes allowed.

SEE! I did it right! I like my small wild natural area, and it was good for today's selfie contest! I'm not in the age group that normally does selfies, although many moons ago, I did have to do self portraits at college. :-)God knows what tomorrow's will be. Perhaps he will have us climbing a tree! LOL!

I will look forward to your upcoming selfie adventures ;p

Yours too! It's a fun idea. I hope I can do Wednesday's as I'm going to be away from home all day! I'd hate to be eliminated for missing a day!

Looks like he is giving us 24 hours, he said 10 or 11 am cst if I recall correctly, you might be able to sneak in thursday morning of you are an early riser ;p