I found this page the other day and I thought of you. I could very well be showing you something you already knew about, but it's new to me and like I said, I thought of you while browsing through it all.
The one I thought you could get use out of was this:
Here's your top voter in last 30 days. Hover curser on colored section of bar for post info.
Here's your incoming voted for last 7 days. Same thing, hover curser..
There was another app on http://steemtools.com/ that made me think of you as well, I just can't think of it or seem to find it. Anyway, poke around, let me know what you think. At the very least, there's any number of post ideas in there.
Actually on "upvoters" you get a better picture of your top voters. But, yeah, I did a whole section on this page. Thanks for thinking of me. It's a great collection of tools, most of them are only moderately useful.