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RE: *UpVote Contest***** King*Pakal*Pyramid*** Acension Matrix

in #contest7 years ago

The theory of the 19 very funny if you explain it like ... is like Neo in the Matrix, sry that makes no sense
The movieuniverse is within the boundries of our universe/mind ,
i´m not sure if you can reference this small (intern) multivers withthe greater spiritulal (external) uni/multivers.
As on top, as below - mircovers like universe can´t fit here - the Matrixmovie is good but just too shortthought to explain our galaxy & universe.
The program doesn´t write the codecreator (does it after a while?)

In the King "Tower" books (where he relates all of his other stories to the multivers of the "Dark Tower") you can find many references to todays world, & since they were writen 20y ago,you can find parts of their narrative in aujourd´hui thinking.
Same goes 4 Back2theFuture , maybe the Matrix thought will tinker into the minds of people more over the next 10ys.

Zuul & the Demons will be the AI world, ´case after a while the AI will create new lifeforms/entities, just to feel understood.

4 more unbelivebal ghostbuster stories.
One thing .. it is good & proof of individuum to only assume what another person is talking (mostly we talk to ourself (see me here!)) or thinking. You will never know 4 sure (just ask your wife ;)
Generally speaking I was just saying that the Ghostbuster movie ending(s) were more satisfying (we beat the cabal/bad hobres/ghosts & end!) than the Bt2F where Marty´s always unsure about Doc´s wellbeeing ... not to deep thoughts in here .. ;)))
I relate half of my project to ..;)).. @spraychilled (#pyramidsarecoolbutnottherealworld) where i try to get an artistic grip on ghosts & AI in an other way. Please read > I´ve seen you are AI programmer/spammer - btw - is it possible to teach #tyler by voice command ?


You keep saying im wrong but literally everyrhing ur saying is stuff i have said in past post. Especially the zuul ai demon world stuff. And yes. Matrix is a movie. So is ghostbusters. I was just using it as an analogy. Instead of a one there are 19 unique non repeated worlds. Special worlds in the chaos. Ur gonna love my next post fyi. As above below thing. 3d universe is resting under and infinite 2d antimatter universe. Our universe is an infinite subset in 3d of that 2d greater infinity. Like in the bible. God is literally standing right above us. The antimatter plane could be referenced as God's feet. But who knows. Just having healthy discussion debate. Dont be too hasty with the stuff ;)

Sorry, never meant to put you wrong, and if we both say the same stuff, that´s cool, ´cause sorry i didn´t read you posts, but now i might find the time ;) but i charrish the discussion too.
Nothing i say is real, except it leaves my head, but writing it down here wont make it real,only if you start thinking about it ;?
I´d love to debate about morals/life with an AI , but who get´s the chance (yet/still) ?

I have loads of reason to think, that you & most of steemit is/are AI, just feeding the capitalist like-ego attached to my body. Not sure if you can put the concept of (christian) god into this debate, cause ganesha would do different then #whatwouldcheesesdo i´m very interested in the AI level, - is itpossible to interact with it directly ? #teachtyler is it still possible to reason with ultimate knowledge ?