Gods grace, what does it mean?
For me it means open doors. My wife was stuck in a bad job praying for something better to come along. She went to the local community college and a couple of semesters later her teacher was a retiring nurse. The nurse mentioned one day in class that she had just done research for a family member to find out what a good career in the medical field would be.
My wife heard these soft words like a mega-phone had been blared. She later approached the teacher and asked for details. Electroneurodiagnostic technologist (brain scans) was the hot field that the nurse had uncovered for her relative. That is the first time either of us had heard about this niche field in medicine.
But wait it gets better!
Turns out there were only 3 schools in the nation that offered this training and one of them was in our town. We had just moved here a few years earlier due to the financial crisis. She went to the school. Passed with all A's and now has a great in-demand job that pays above minimum wage.
That is one example of God lining things up to work out in our favor. I have many such stories in my life so far.
Unfortunately they all are not so clear cut, happy endings. Some of the stories I could tell would be rough were the best outcome was still bad, less bad I am sure but still....
I don't talk about God and Religion in my blog very often. The reason todays post is a holy roller post is....
My wife and I were talking about our kids good fortune in life so far. That the family support we have been able to offer them matters and about our daughter who was telling stories yesterday about the doctors she works with and there hobbies / life styles. One just bought a Ferrari for his 18 year old son. Another has homes / castles in other countires / travel tips and boating ect... She was saying all this with a huge smile because she realizes that in a few more years that will be her (hopefully)!
Can you tell that I had extra coffee this morning, hehe
I will be giving 3, 50% votes. To enter leave a comment on this post. Winners will be chosen at random on 7/15.
Best Regards,
I had an older dentist who would rant and rave after going to any meeting with fellow dentists. He would get red in the face telling about those young whippersnapper dentists he would meet there who all they cared about was making their first million $. He on the other hand, charged $20 for whatever. Clean your teeth $20, x-ray $20, filling $20.`
My son was going to be a doctor, but that got all messed up. He's now at the other extreme of income, just barely getting by. Best of luck to your daughter. What is she going to specialize in?
re: God is good.
Throughout my life, I tend to get excited when things go "wrong." Because time and time again I've seen that was how God got me into the next position of life I needed to be so I would end up where He wanted me to be or where I needed to be. Had I taken any of the whew probably 1000 different paths, I wouldn't have met my wonderful wife and be living where I am. This all just feels right.
She wants to be a heart surgeon. Bonus Giveaway, Congratulations you win :)
Won't that be a fulfilling career?
And frustrating at times I'm sure.
My brother recently had a quadruple bypass. A step-grandson had a bad valve that had to be replaced shortly after birth. And a few times as he grew up. He's doing great and in his 20's now.
glad they both made it
This is the longest post I've seen you come up with, and its pretty nice too, I wonder why you dont do this more often. Grace to me seems like unmerited favour, without Grace i will be nowhere today. Thanks for sharing the inspiration, happy with you and your family
Congratulations you win :)
God's grace to others they say is unmerited favour I'm in agreement to this and not respectively. We have opportunities to receiving grace only if we are at the right position to receive it, once you are in the right proportion, you received it but the only thing is, when it might be coming nobody knows that's why I will be coming by saying it comes unconciously and with no condition attached, it comes with ease as if you're the only one who knows how to do things in a best way.
The little story on this is that God's grace, is quite different from human grace is not related at all, as for man to give out their own grace on something, they'll have to sit, council of bosses meeting to discuss the next line of action to assist or to promote someone maybe in their field or works. While God's grace seems to be locating, when is ones turn it will surely look up for the person.
Congratulations you win :)
It my pleasure to have the winning. Thanks for organising this.
First Id like to congratulate your wife on her new in-demand job. I seldom talk about religion and stuff but I do believe that God has his own ways to bless us all. You deserved and needed that extra coffee! 😊
Bonus Giveaway, Congratulations you win :)
Yey! Best part! Thanks again :)
Congratulations to your wife and family! God has a plan for all of us, He may not give the things that we want now but maybe in the future He will grant us our prayers. I was just thinking won't life be too boring if we had everything that we had? Anyway, I pray that all of our prayers would be granted. Have a great day and God bless!
Bonus Giveaway, Congratulations you win :)
Thank you for the bonus giveaway sir! May God Bless you and your family abundantly!
You can tell by the way you wrote that you are happy and somehow I am happy as well because this is another proof of the love of God for humankind. May the good fortune always be on your side.
Best regards.
Bonus Giveaway, Congratulations you win :)
The key is to trust that God has a path established for you, you just have to put faith in him and follow that path. Sometimes we believe that the obstacles that are presented to us are obstacles to not moving forward and are simply deviations that God puts you on the road to follow the right path. The key is not to question and trust.
Bonus Giveaway, Congratulations you win :)