
We know where her hands were a minute after you made her do this pic. ;-)

Yup! Folding up laundry.....that's what you meant right? Keeping it G rated.

I was thinking more around your neck, and after that laundry crack.....


LOL! Great effort, but you had 2 in front of you!

Love this !

Thanks. You can kinda see my wife's bling in the pic. Her ring has like 68 diamonds on. None quite as big as yours I don't think but she makes up for it in quantity.😉

you are so funny

your wife be like let me play with daddy a bit

Actually she was like "I can't be in the selfie with you, I don't have a head covering on."

hahahaha. then she should get one. hahahh

There was no time. I was going for the quick draw bonus. I had literally been refreshing papa-peppers page 4-5 times a minute since 8:06pm CST trying to be the first to post. I was not successful this round.

i do that too but i always sleep off