The funny thing about life that I have come to learn, understand and learn to live with is that, obstacles are like the blacksmith’s hand and the furnace of fire which with unrepentant wickedness smashes, turns, burns, melts, shapes, heats and do all sorts of horrible things to the work at hand all in a bid to get something so beautiful that one can actually do anything to pay the prize for the finished product.
These fancy blings you see displayed so neatly in some fancy shop in Paris or a five star shop somewhere in the world, or being won by some rich being didn't start out as fancy. In fact, lives were lost in the process of working to get this done to the state it is.
The blacksmith, like the obstacles we are faced with, never dons himself in fancy or likeable attires and he always comes with tools that hurts. There is fire, there is heat, there is sweat and there is some curses. And all these are the ingredients of a beauty the world loves to own.
Hmmmm…….. Have you ever thought about what the Gold Ring, Gold Necklaces, Gold Bracelets and every of such flashy blings went through to be that shiny and awesome? You wouldn't spend time doing those things yourself.
Same applies to the life of a winner, he has gone through the hands of the blacksmith and has been pummeled couple of times and almost marred but he came out this fresh.
So next time it seems like you are being destroyed by life's challenges, see yourself as a work in progress that the world will run after when you are done.
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Most times life's challenges crush us so hard that we feel we can never rise.. But we need to realize that they are there to make us stronger and unique in our own ways. Thanks for sharing this piece..
Thank you for stopping by and for your valuable contribution. Life is a journey and in the process, we get dealt with the uglies mostly, but if we stay strong and unshaken, we celebrate at last.
nice one.I really appreciate your work and want to be a good writer like you
i am trying and after reading your content i feel changes in my english
Hi @be4u, thanks and i wouldn't say i am a good writer, but what i am good at is writing from my heart and that just makes me accept my work in whatever format it comes in at the end. I see you haven't started blogging yet but have commented 135 times, that means you have what it takes to write from your heart. Looking forward to see your posts.
yes i am doing english coaching and after sometime i will start
I want to be a blacksmith, and help to mold good people. Nice post
Very good choice, the world needs more blacksmiths.
Gold can never come out beautiful without going through fire. That is why their can't be true success without little trials, discouragement and tests.
You are right, these incidences are a pathway to greatness.
It is never easy, I mean the challenges one needs to surmount to get through to success. But by sheer determination ,one can pull through and re-write the story. This is a one-stop shop for inspiration for life's many hiccups. Thank you boss, again.
Thank you Edith, you help complete my words.