The jungle had become the athletic festival of slow animals, most of the animals had as a favorite the morrocoy, without ruling out laziness. It was time for the competition and all the stands were full of all the animals of the jungle, who with banners and whistles gave the winner the morrocoy. The head judge orders that the participants be placed in their starting positions. The morrocoy wore an extraordinary flexible uniform fitted to his shell, laziness had a special suit adjusted to the slow movements of his body. The judge soon announced the name of the morrocoy and the stands were filled with shouts of joy. The name of laziness is also announced and the stands shudder. The participants prepared in their brands, immediately heard the starting whistle. The race began and laziness had already taken a little forward, on the last lap the morrocoy reached it and both crossed the finish line. All the spectators were waiting for the winner. The jury, in the midst of so many expectations and excitement from those present, pronounces and declares that the winner is the lion.