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RE: Steemhouse Publishing Announcement and Cover Art Contest

in #contest6 years ago

Congrats on launching your first book. Can I include a little constructive criticism? I notice little things. In the bit you shared from the piece, the writer uses "her" and "she" too much. As a reader, I might find it fatiguing to read that repeatedly.

Just my opinion, hopefully the entire manuscript doesn't mirror that. It's best to catch these things early on.

Wishing you the very best in your new venture! :)


It's not an excerpt from the book. Rather, a brief synopsis of the piece.

Glad to hear that. I saw it said a version would be on the back-flap. I really want this book to be successful.

Thank you very much.

The Writers' Block is a collaborative community and would welcome your submission of alternate back flap copy for this novel. If your version is used, you will receive credit for it in the front matter of the novel.

I would love to, but as a student I barely have time to put out one or two posts per week. Which is why I drop in and comment so they won't think I passed into that great Steemit Heaven in the sky.

I doubt it, but if I could ever wring some time out to write something decent, I'll drop by your Discord.

I'm really excited for Steamhouse and can't wait to see how it does. :)