
It came again, the sighting of good and new stories from the @calluna, @marcoriccardi, @oivas and @raj808 people. So I rolled this D100, keeping the same rules as the D20, but readjusting the ranges to fit a D100. And by the Rum o’ Cap’n Morgan, I was bless’d to have all be viable! But the truest person of nomination will recieve it if they possess the least amount of such. And if all four are tied, then may a D4 be handy on site.

Still gotta stick with my guts on this one. @theironfelix for a great story that actually felt like it had been found, which fitted really well into the diving off point for the story. I also loved the style of writing for this one. But it was so hard to chose, I loved @raj808 for a really immersive story that felt very viking, and pulled on some great aspects of the mythology!

I'm voting for @calluna as her story had so many subtle nuances around the historical facts. she managed to get so many factual elements into her story seamlessly through the narration. :-)

I am so sorry for all of you who already voted, but the deadline was monday I was told, so I only posted now. You now all have to revote patpat

Fair point! I will read all the late entries and if necessary I'll amend my vote.

@calluna gets my vote this week. Enjoyed the Merseburg Incantations. And the cookies!

My God, when it comes to historical fiction, everyone is so good. But then to choose one among many is a bit difficult. Nonetheless, I am taking the liberty of calling out two names... @raj808 and @theironfelix. I leave it to the power of the @bananafish to decide - to be or not to be - All the best guys!

I vote @wonderwop, for the fun humor. :-)

I have to go with the one that made me laugh out loud. My vote goes to @lennstar0de there were so many good ones, it's very hard to choose. Good luck @f3nix

The three are masterfully written and have whetted my sense of the bizarre and of a certain kind of humor that I cherish! Bravi!I'm sorry, I'm terribly late, but not bad in this case because I could not choose between the endings of @flyyingkiwi, @lennstar, and @gwilberiol.