#ZapFic Writing Contest: Tell a story in 232 characters or less (on zappl). Results of Week 4 and New Prompt for Week 5

in #contest7 years ago


Results of Week Four and New Prompt for Week Five!

#zapfic is a very short story (written in 232 characters or less) posted on the steem blockchain via Zappl.

I was introduced to the idea of writing very short stories on @zappl -#zappl-fiction - by @mydivathings. I thought it was a great challenge, and thought it would be a great idea if more people get on board!

What is Zappl and how do I sign up?

@Zappl is a micro blogging site (like Twitter) that is linked to the steem blockchain. What you post on zappl appears on your steem feed. You have 240 characters (including hashtags) you can use to post on zappl you can add your own picture too.
Hint: once posted don't edit your published Zappl post on steemit. If you do it will disappear from Zappl (although it will stay on steemit).

You can find Zappl here: https://zappl.com/ (it is also available as a phone app.)

You can use Zappl straight away - because it runs on the steemit block chain all you need is your steemit user name and your posting key.

For more information on Zappl and writing fiction on Zappl contact the Zappl Community Influencer for fiction @mydivathings

Results of the #zapfic contest (week four)

We had 7 valid entries this week.Thank you everyone for taking part! I really enjoyed reading every one of them, if you haven’t done so already please take a look (the nature of the medium means they don’t take long to read!)

The SBD payout of last week's post was a disappointing 0.098SBD (yet again I rounded it up to 0.40 - the same as the first week so I didn't have to recalculate the amounts)

Again, they were all really good quality stories and it was hard to choose between them, but I have chosen the following winners:

1st prize 0.70SBD (0.50+0.20 (50%of the post’s SBD payout of 0.40))

A story within a story, I loved the imagery with this one!

2nd prize 0.42SBD (0.30+0.12 (30%of the post’s SBD payout of 0.40))

A dark tale of murder!

3rd prize 0.28 (0.2+0.08 (20% of the post’s SBD payout of 0.40)

A dark tale of a vampire!

The other entries were also fantastic (listed in no particular order):

A dark tale involving sanity!

Looks like we need a bit of counselling

What is lurking in the darkness?

A tale of monsters! But who is the monster?

Thank you so much for entering everyone! Now, on to the new contest:

#zapfic Writing Contest Week 5:

Write a story - inspired by the prompt - in 232 characters, or less (the zappl limit is 240 but you need to include the tag #zapfic at the end) and post it on Zappl

Try to ensure you tell as complete a story as you can.

To read an example story click here to read it on Zappl or you can see the same story on my steemit feed or you can read a different story on zappl or steemit

This weeks prompt is : love

You can interpret the prompt as you wish (the story does NOT have to contain the word “love” in it)


  • The story must be posted on Zappl (once posted don't edit it on steemit or it will disappear from Zappl)

  • It must contain the hashtag #zapfic use lowercase

  • The story must be less than 240 characters long (including the hashtag)

  • The story must be your own work, and previously unpublished

  • If you post a photo (you don't have to, there are no "points" for photos, it is all about the story) it must be yours (not taken from the net). Zappl want to discourage posting of unoriginal photos on their platform and I agree with that stand!

  • Resteem and upvote welcome (the contest reward will depend on post payout, so the more people see it, the more upvotes, the bigger the final reward) but it is not essential

  • The link to your zap must be left in the comment section of this post (I’ll accept a link to the steemit post, as long as I can find it on Zappl using the zapfic hashtag)

  • The deadline for submissions is the payout of this post

  • The judge’s decision is final


1st prize 0.5 SBD plus 50% SBD from the payout of this post

2nd prize 0.3 SBD plus 30% SBD from the payout of this post

3rd prize 0.2 SBD plus 20% SBD from the payout of this post.

Plus all valid entries will receive an upvote from the judge

Any leftover payout will go towards the following week's contest (leftover payout may result if there are less than three valid entries).

Zappl is still in beta, so you may experience trouble posting, from time to time. If you can try again later. If you have problems let me know.

Note: this contest is hosted, judged and run by @Felt.Buzz. It not affiliated with Zappl.


Please take note of the rule (above) regarding images with your post. If you post a photo, or other image, it MUST be your own. If you found it on the internet you must NOT use it. You do not get bonus points for using an image (this contest is about the images you create with words).

Zappl want to encourage people to only post their own original content (I agree 100% with this). If you found it on the web, I will be able to reverse image search and find the original too.

Thank you! and good luck!


Hi again! my dear fellow @felt.buzz, here is my entry for this week


Thanks for entering! :)

I love this week’s prompt! claps hands in glee Here’s my entry

Thank you for entering! :)

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #60. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!


Wow! Thank you very much my dear @felt.buzz! Love is a beautiful prompt for this week

Congrats to all the winners! :)

I hope you are going to enter this week! I chose the new prompt, hoping to get some "heat" in 232 characters. Are you up for the challenge? :)

I’m not sure! I just did one with mydivathings and now I have pages of material to work with + I need to work your shadows theme into my story... So let me see...if something from my project jumps out at me, I’ll give it a go. :) My 232 chars aren’t going to make much sense anyways. ;)

Okay, I'm not really heating things up, I guess, but it was again such a great challenge, thank you!! Here's my contribution:

Thanks for entering! :)