Care givers need care
This quote is 4 words long but it has deep meaning. It highlights everything wrong with our society. Everyone wants to receive and not give. We all want to be served. We all want solutions. But we never think about the solution providers, the care givers, they need care too. Be polite the police officer. Be cooperative with your doctor. Show love to your baby-sitter. Say nice things to the bank cashier. They need care, love, and all the good things we need from them. Even though care-givers give and care because of their profession, we all need to realize that CARE-GIVERS NEED CARE!
If everyone focus on this quote in relating to others, there will be awesome caring society. On the side note, this is not applicable for me to use to my children. But yes children as young as 4 years old can care for his or her parents too.
Entry #13 is in.