I like your spirit and energy - "spunk", perhaps ...
- informal
courage and determination.
synonyms: courage, bravery, valor, nerve, confidence, daring, audacity, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle, spine, backbone;
You are unique at the very least. I know that you'll do great things if given the power.
And I have been watching you (in a good way) - I am sure that you know (the first part - watching).
Thanks so much! A complement always makes the day a bit brighter.
I don't think it takes much bravery to sit behind a keyboard. The really spunky ones are the ones living out there in challenging circumstances.
I think Steemit has the power to change lives for the better. The trick is in harnessing that power.
watching = steemit is a great place for people watching. Everything is so transparent here.
public speaking is the number 1 fear of many or most people ...