
That creep doesn't like the music, and he only rolled a 1? Well then, let there be more music...
🎵 [jazz music plays for a while] 🎵
Gonna kill Gobbo now...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

IBT result: 4 (PASS) heartheartheart
Under FF6 formulas:
2 x 1 (current stage/level) x 4 (system roll) x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 (Setzer's fixed dice) = 2048 damage.


Gobbo terminated?

Gobbo flees the scene, but drops a random item...lets see


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players roll!



Not good...

Wait a second, @lordnigel... Gobbo dropped the item, no one actually pickpocketed it. Doesn't that mean that the item is sitting on the ground and Setzer would have to touch it before it became his? (Which would also imply an option to not pick up Gobbo loot... ?)