I am giving away 150 SBDS!
I am giving away 100 SBDS to a hard working Steemian for the grand prize.
There will also be 10 additional LUCKY Steemians who win 5 SBDS each, so more Steemians have a chance to win.
Here are the rules:
- Sign up for Menē here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p (this is my invite link, after signing up you will get your own)
*It is completely free and takes 20 seconds
*If you are already signed up, you may skip this step
- This is a numbers challenge. The grand prize winner is whoever gets the largest “Menē Credit Balance”. Use your own invite link to generate sign ups if you want to increase this number.
The winner will be the person with the largest “Menē Credit Balance” in the “Menē Credits” section of their account when this post pays out. ****** I will ultimately decide if the rules have been followed and if these numbers are real******
- You will screenshot this number right before this post pays out in 7 days and post it in the comments below.
I need to be able to see the last few numbers of your code so that I know it is really your image, but the whole number should not show.
No one will be able to “game” this.
The rest of the winners will be picked by me. You have to have submitted a picture like the one above (showing that you have a Menē Credit Balance) to qualify for a chance at the 5 SBDs
For the “Lucky” ten 5 SBD winners, it doesnt matter how large of a balance you have, as long as you have at least $5 of credit balance, you have a chance at winning.
If you are signing up for the first time now under my invite link, feel free to send me the “Thank you for joining Menē “ page. It looks like this:
^ this is optional and not required for the challenge.
To be clear, there is no purchase required to enter this challenge. You simply earn credits with your creativity and effort.
Here are the details of the referal program if you are interested in learning about earning Menē credit.
Here is a video explanation :
Good luck everyone!
For Menē 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p
Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.
To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :
To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians : https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-winners
To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters
For Menē 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p
I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.
Read more about Goldmoney: https://steemit.com/@goldmatters
Hi GM!
So here’s some more info to add to my entry. I have shown you a $100 screen for signing up 20 people. Well i have now signed up 31! — although one $5 reward went awry before i was able to spend the $100...
Hopefully this counts as (at least $150)... though i guess it “could have been” $155
However, i have also ordered and paid for this!!!

I am literally vibrating with excitement in anticipation of its arrival 😁👍
Thanks for all you do GM! You’re generous af and promoting honest value — two good character traits if you ask me.
Thanks friend! And keep on rocking in the Menē world!
Thank you for your continuous support my friend!! Let me know the minute the cuff arrives!!
You will actually be the first! Heh heh!
I’ll have to tell SOMEBODY lol!
I love the idea behind this contest, never saw this coming . When some people are using their steemit earnings to buy mene items. This will create an avenue for individuals to use their referral bonuses to buy a mene item. It all depends on hardwork. I won't be surprised when someone will say he used his referral bonuses to buy a mene item.
Wow. @goldmatters, Nice contest. I have registered since January. Here is my invite link; http://Mene.com/invite/gX9qUD
Let the contest begin. Going for marketing now.
so much mene ads like in smartseotools and other sites.
a very interesting contest, congratulation!.
You will do well with this @kandies :) you already know so much about the company!
Yes. I know alot about the company . Its time to put my knowledge into practice. Thanks for the opportunity
Can i talk to you on discord. I have something to say.
I also want it @goldmatters
Awesome idea for a contest and so generous of you to giveaway so much! Maybe I’ll finally get sighned up with a Mene account. After idolizing th me gorgeous pieces for so long... it’s about time! 😉
Thank you! Great to see a familiar face in these comments :) I hope you join in too! It is actually possible to get a piece free as I explain in my most recnt post! Thanks @coruscate!!!
Great contest! I've been seeing Mene ads on YouTube lately, certainly becoming a household name! I'm down with gold ownership 👍😎
Probably because you searched it recently or visited their site and google is seeing that and using that to promote it to you!
Oh and check out my last post bud, got a lil piece u may like? Were talking rare golden artwork..
I wanna try this one,
Awesome!! That is great news!!!
Oh...you are only seeing mene ads on only YouTube lately. After i entered my first contest. I see mene ads in every site i visit. I have logged in to various websites and i dont see their ads on any other website. But, mene ads are on every site i visit.
I guess $0,10 ✌
Please crop out your code
Just joined :) may be awhile before i can invest but i'm hoping to in the future was looking through all the jewelry wow so many amazing pieces on there!
Hello there!! Thanks for participating, i think i will go to your blog and listen to a song now:)
Aw thanks for listening to my music i'm glad you enjoyed it :) x
This is a genius contest! I didn’t even think about this! I think you are going to win the contest with your $330 credit!!!
Good luck to all of the participants!! 🍀
Ha ha :) thanks for the inspiration my friend
Any time!! I’ve got to come up with some more ideas!!
This is a really smart idea! Good job!
Thanks for reading
Hi GM, well i’ve gone and done it... signed up over 20 people! My credit just shows $100 and i remember something about this being a top limit before a purchase is made. Can you clarify this for me? I am interested in your contest (even though indon’t know how ro post pics to comments with my iPhone) lol. How did you get a credit balance of $330? Do i need to buy something b4 i can collect more referral bonusses? Thanks GM
Hey friend! Yes the limit for the sign up credits is $100. The other part of the program is if the person you refered makes a purchase both they and you get $50 in credit. So in my case multiple people have purchases and both they and I received $50 each time
Okay cool! Thx for that 😎👍
Absolutely no purchase is neccesary for this contest :)
Too late 😳😜🤪😍
You’re gonna’ like my next post GM!
Ooooohh!!! It worked!!! Okay GM, tell me more!!!
I'm on it buddy.
Awesome! I appreciate your continued support
Oh your bout to see a whirlwind of support on this one. Buckle your seat belt
I’m glad we met my friend!
Looks great
Shit well I already have an account thanks to @thedamus but I guess it's time to start recruiting!
Glad to have you on board!!
I just really enjoying saying the name 'Menē'. I will probably have to join for that reason alone.
Also that's a very generous amount to giveaway. Good on you!
Me too!
Ok @goldmatters, I made a crazy post to get in on this, with 2OZ's of silver up for grabs. Let's see how this place does with my Wild Dark Side....
That is quite a colorful post!
Whiskey, gets me every time...... Jager I can drink like water..... but Whiskey :-D lol
Steemians are falling in love with GOLD
Looks good!! Thank you friend
You are welcome
Well I tried 😊
This is good man!
Thanks man. I did a contest on Facebook Instagram and steemit. Went for it hard lol
Awesome :) even when the contest is over that doesn’t mean you can still collect credits!
It is necessary to understand, the topic is very important.
Thanks for sure
Hello @gold matters. Thanks for introducing mene.com to us. You are amazing and I have decided to take advantage of the opportunity. I don't mind becoming a team member is there is an available opening for that. My Discord channel is @jerryboy4luv#3089
I have some very good suggestions for the team. I signed up on mene.com yesterday through your invite link.
I am also participating in the contest. I have referred lots of family members and friends between yesterday and today.
I hope i win this. Thanks once again for this opportunity
Thank you for participating
Looks good
Something new and I got it.

Looks good
thank you
My invite link : Mene.com/invite/VKurox
Looks good!
yeah am on it...
Legit! Thanks for entering!
Thanks for entering
what should I do next..?
Just joined it! Jewelry is like icecream, there's always room for more. Wonderful idea.
I agree! Thank you for participating
My pleasure sir😊
Looks good
click here to register. Thank you
I have join in #mene, who have not join please
Looks good
I just signed up

Signed up with you...
Sounds good
Updated: Up to $150 now!!!
Here is my screen cap.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My link:
Thank you or participating , please crop the image as shown in the example :)
Fixed! Thanks for the heads up.
Thank you for your participation! Good work
I am in...

Good one Op,let the rumble begin.💪💪,am gonna contest💯...#promotingMene

Sweet contest.
Join in!!
Thanks gmh. Maybe I can get a few more and then have something actually worthy to post. You are doing a great job spreading the Mene name. Good on you amigo. Cheers.
Thanks for your support as always GMH
Hey gmh. Kind of you to do these contests. Here is my Entry let me know if the snapshot of Mene Credits is what you are looking for. Cheers.
That’s perfect thank you!
Looks good
Bro you are really motivating new users to take part in this contest and earn to start their journey. My signup for this contest and eligibility for "Lucky" ten winner for 5 SBD. I will try to win this contest.
Great! Thanks for entering
Thanks for entering
Here is my page i just register now.
No purchase is neccesary at all for this contest
just registered mine too thanks
turns out it might take a while before i start investing, hopefully the referrals would bring me to a level i'll be geared to do so quick enough
Thank you for entering
I’m on,then what next step?
You have entered the contest
im in!
Excellent, good work
Thank you for becoming involved
I did not have much of points base on my invites, makes me sad but at least I was able to join your contest @goldmatters maybe just need more time to convince them, only got 5 registrations...😭
Great thanks