For me, I don't think it has anything to do with what day of the week it is or what holiday is taking place. I volunteered to make an e-book for someone and it is taking wayyyyyy longer than I had expected. However, I like to keep my word, so I've been spending a lot of my time on it lately. I've got 9 more chapters to go and then make an index and table-of-contents. Hopefully there won't be a need for a lot of revisions afterwards.
I think that even though I have my process nicely streemlined now, it still takes me about 1.5 hours per chapter to download and insert the photo's, copy in the text, proof read/correct, and format the paragraphs, lists, etc. Its been about a month on and off that I've been at it.
Good luck!!!
Thanks! I'll need it because I've been too busy with other things and have not been posting much lately, so my earnings all week have been $2.00!
Thanksgiving week does have a sidelining effect, doesn't it?
For me, I don't think it has anything to do with what day of the week it is or what holiday is taking place. I volunteered to make an e-book for someone and it is taking wayyyyyy longer than I had expected. However, I like to keep my word, so I've been spending a lot of my time on it lately. I've got 9 more chapters to go and then make an index and table-of-contents. Hopefully there won't be a need for a lot of revisions afterwards.
Oh wow, yea, ebooks take some time. Not to mention the formatting! Eegads!!!
I think that even though I have my process nicely streemlined now, it still takes me about 1.5 hours per chapter to download and insert the photo's, copy in the text, proof read/correct, and format the paragraphs, lists, etc. Its been about a month on and off that I've been at it.
Sounds like it! How cool of you to do this for them :) You rock!