Hi, Steemians,
This is my first contest to give back to people after 3weeks on here and I will continue doing this as an appreciation to what have achieved on here.
(1) Upvote and Resteem this post.
(2) Comment below the person who deserves your seat and why.
(3) I might choose more than 3 winners depending on the post pay out.
(4) The winners account will be credited after this post payout.
Applying the logic of numbers, I will say B because thats trinity there (three or probably more in one)
B to E deserves it...BUT
To start with A, He's very OK looking at him and can stand for hours. For B, she's OK too and I don't think her pregnancy is heavy to the extend age won't bear the stand. For C, she's very old and can still work more than the old man (E) and the man with leg injury (D).
So my seat goes to the old man (E) because he's very very weak and looks like who need blood, water, food to survive and can collapse in a blink of an eye.
Dude, E need brains to survive....
Nobody deserve that sit because there is an empty sit at the back of that man
(A) deserve the seat.
As you can see he's seating on the seat already, meaning he was there before anyone of them.
If you look at the picture very well, you will see that there are empty seat behind (A). The old woman should go for the empty seat before anybody.
Nice contest.
C. Deserve the seat because she's the oldest among them, (respect elders in other not to die young) but the proverb can only work here in Nigeria, because (A) may decide not to stand up for anybody cause he was on the seat before anyone of them.
This is my entry for the contest:
(A) deserve the seat because he was there before anyone of them but due to one adage in my culture "give respect to elders if you want to live long" since (C) is the oldest among them, she deserve the seat.
the pregnant woman with the baby, due to three reasons,
Going by Logic everyone equally deserves the seat tho but
First i will Tell the old woman to have the seat and then keep the baby on her lap.
With the help of the woman I’ll support the handicapped guy and would make sure he doesn’t fall. Then I’ll search for a seat for him.cause hes in pain too
Just Ignore the zombie😂😂
Y dont ya give the zomibe, or he eats ya up.
Give d zombie the seat🙅🙅🙅
The pregnant woman with baby is the best candidate to sit,no one deserve to sit because there are other empty seats .
(B) They all deserve the seat but the woman and her baby deserve it more because they are two people and the rest of them are single. It's better to save two than one.
My question is, why are they all looking at only the one guy with expectations? There are several people on that bus taking seats. Got a good reason why he is singled-out?
Going by the logic, everyone does.
The pregnant woman is probably weak and tired of the baby's weight, the old lady is probably suffering from arthritis although technically it doesn't look like so, the guy feels pains on both the legs and hands, the zombie eats people so you might wanna consider giving him a seat to save your life.
What I would do in a real world scenario would be to tell the old woman to sit down so she can lap the baby for a while and wiith the help of the pregnant woman, support the handicapped guy and make sure he doesn’t fall, concurrently searching for a seat for them.
Ignore the zombie, when he misbehaves, if he's in Nigeria everybody will join hand and beat him
Lolz.. If it's in Nigeria, everyone will join hand and beat him..
Beforr nko?
Am telling you. Lol. The zombie go chop better cane 😥😂😂
First of all, thanks for the opportunity to participate in this contest.
I would give the seat to "C" - the aged woman since she is the most vulnerable out of all. After which I would ask her to help carry the baby while the injured guy could get some support beside the chair. I could chit chat with the zombie
All of them deserve the seat there and i would just offer the seat to all of them and decide who to sit based on their agreement . may be they agreed upon seat each one sometime and give to the other person.
Tough one. But i think the pregnant woman, she also has a baby she is crying with her hands.
She deserves the sit more than anyone else on that queue.
Actually everyone deserves the seat tho but
First Tell the old woman to have the seat and then keep the baby on her lap.
Cause her bones is too weak to stand
With the help of the woman, the woman is still young so she will support the handicapped guy and would make sure he doesn’t fall.
Then I’ll search for a seat for him.cause hes in pain too
Ignore the zombie, the zombie's life is useless no need to save the life
the pregnant woman most likely deserves my seat because pregnancy comes with a lot of stress, dizziness and nausea and if she faints or something that would definitely affect the little one shes carrying in her arms and inside her, so there are three lives at stake here and there other seats behind the rest can go for but the pregnant woman has no chance of struggling for another
B)The woman with the baby is fine. C)The old woman can still walk,she's gonna b okay likewise D. E is gonna have my seat,he looks like he's gonna die that's if he's not dead already!!!
Ive been in the situation of Mr D.
An Amputation or anything concerning a fractured bone is the most painful thing if weight is being kept in it for long, even with the aid of a crutch.
Mr D is in Virtual pain than all other.
Mr E only looks wretched
Mrs C can manage a stick,even with arthritis.
Mrs B is the second In line deserving the seat.
No one is entitle to the seat because their are other seats that as not been occupied..
This is my problem inside Lagos BRT o. These days me I don't even send anybody again.
But me, I would give D my seat, the guy with the broken leg.
Am 100% not giving the old woman.
Anyways in these scene, all deserves my seat but with my own logic, i will allow C first to seat, then will carry the baby for B. Then i will give a leaning hand for D, the E can endure. Thanks
Everyone deserves a seat and they will get one because I'm the owner of the bus and there are still spaces left
Well, everyone deserves the seat, but someone deserves the seat more. With all sincerity, the old woman does not deserve the seat because she is dying all ready, she therefore has no life to preserve anymore. I would have said the woman with the baby, after all children are the leaders of tomorrow. However, I would not because, the baby is not standing, he/she has got someone carrying them. So who deserves the seat the most?! Of course, it's the young man with an injured leg. He is young, vibrant, and intelligent. In other words, he is a youth. His life needs to be preserved because the youths occupy an important position in the shaping of any society.