Wowww... I love this! Very unexpected.. a completely different spark there with the prompt I see... what a powerful story!
(Top tip - this totalled 1106 characters - so it's all cool - But next time I'd add a few extra ! or ? or ... in there to take the character count up to 1111... that's what we ultimately wanna get and wins extra points :) )
Amazing entry though... really unique... thank you for adding to the contest this week - I hope you enjoyed writing for it and will be back next week... Any resteems or tags of friends etc is very much appreciated!
Keep up the great work!
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Hahaha thank you @hartfloe!
I used the calculator counter and I stopped at 1111 though, that's weird :(
Can I know what website you used to calculate?
Yeap, I really enjoy writing and reading too!