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RE: 💙Attention: There's a New Competition in SteemitTown! Weekly Challenge Starting This Week! Enter Now! 🌊💙

in #contest8 years ago

Haha I used to be the same way trust me, my love of food has never changed! At first when I was making diet changes I thought it meant I was constricted to salad and carrots for the rest of my life but as you can see, I have been changing that whole perspective ;)
I never thought I would be, that is 100% truth. But now that I am and I see my own life changes, I just want to show people what I found to be true for me. I'd be happy to coach you along should you want to give it a try ;) <3


That's cool! I'm guessing it will be a fun experience with you as a coach 😉
Let's see how it goes.

I love coaching, teaching and inspiring! When I have time I take on clients but I have been too busy lately, I will always make time for you however so you just let me know what you need and I will support you all the way through! If I could, I'd cook for you =D