Today marks the first edition of the Hive Art Contest! What is the Hive Art Contest you ask? It is a contest I (@coloneljethro) conceived to highlight and support artists on hive, encourage adoption and utilization of NFTs, and facilitate engagement and connections within the hive community.
So How Does It Work?
Each week I will be doing a post featuring NFT artwork here on hive as well as a brief profile of the artists behind the featured artwork. Everyone who meets the requirements laid out in the post will be eligible to win the artwork featured in the post. At the end of the week winner(s) will be selected (currently randomly but this may change) and transferred to their new owners. The liquid rewards from this account's posts will be used to purchase NFTs for each new round of the contest and HP rewards will most likely be delegated to curation trails and any returns added to NFT purchase funds (I'm currently delegating a small amount to this account so that there are no issues with resource credits).
What Are NFTs?
From Wikipedia
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a special type of cryptographic token which represents something unique; non-fungible tokens are thus not mutually interchangeable. This is in contrast to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and many network or utility tokens that are fungible in nature.
Non-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms. NFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items like crypto art (rare art), crypto-collectibles and crypto-gaming.
NFTs of art can come with different degrees of rights, either private (for personal use only) just like buying a work of art, or limited reproduction/full commercial rights which allow more uses of the art.
Hive Art Contest #1
For this week's contest I have contributed two NFTs that I have created (I'm doing this on a shoestring so bear with me, this won't be a regular occurrence). The NFTs can be seen here
This first one Mitchell Hill Lake Reflections comes with a full commercial license, meaning that it can be used the same as any image licensed through a stock agency.
This second one, Beggar Bandit comes with a private license, meaning it is for personal (noncommercial) display and use. This is not intended to be a means of me tooting my own horn so I'm going to skip the profile for this week, future rounds shall have a bit about the artist and artwork being featured.
Requirements and Encouragements
For this week's contest the only requirement is that you leave a comment mentioning your favorite artist on the hive blockchain and a word or two about why (or how you came across them if you would rather).
An upvote is encouraged but not required, it will not affect your chances of winning but it help to make sure the contest continues into the future. Likewise, resteems (or is it rehives now?) will not hurt.
That's it for this first edition, I look forward to hearing from you and discovering new artists here on hive. Until next time, may the hive be with you!