in #contest7 years ago

IFC Side Quest

The Wally Test No. 2 - Winner!

Thank you to everyone that participated in the test! We had 14 test takers this time! The scores are in, let's see who the winner is! I enjoyed reading all the answers and I could image all the gears turning in everyone's head while taking the test! If you happened to miss it don't worry, the Wally Test will be featured again in the future! Now on to the answers and winners!

Image Source - Pixabay

The Questions with Correct Answers

  1. What should you give an injured lemon?
    A. Lemon-aid
  2. If an atheist died in church, what would they put on their coffin?
    A. A lid
  3. Who went into the lion's den unarmed and came out alive?
    A. The Lion
  4. A man rode down the street on a horse, yet walked. How come?
    A. His horse was called "yet."
  5. How can you eat an egg without breaking the shell?
    A. Get someone else to break the shell.
  6. Why was King Henry VIII buried in Westminster Abbey?
    A. Because he was dead.
  7. Country's used to hang many criminals, but they would not hang a man with a wooden leg. Why?
    A. They use rope.
  8. Why do storks stand on one leg?
    A. If they lifted up that leg, they would fall over.
  9. A circular field is covered in thick snow. A black cow with white spots is in the middle. Two white cows with black spots are on the edge of the field. What time is it?
    A. Wintertime.
  10. What was the problem with the wooden car with wooden wheels and a wooden engine?
    A. It wooden go!

Let's see how everyone did!


  1. Lemon-Aid - CORRECT!
  2. Dirt
  3. The lion - CORRECT!
  4. He was riding on a kids hobby horse.(you know the horse head on a broomstick)
  5. You can not.
  6. He was to fat to get out the door.
  7. They were afraid that it would slam into the ground, and break, causing splinters to go flying and poking someone's eyes out?
  8. So they can use the up leg as a fishing spear.
  9. Winter time. - CORRECT!
  10. The ignition

3 out of 10!


  1. Lemon AIDE!! - CORRECT!
  2. would they have a coffin?
  3. The Lion himself? - CORRECT!
  4. because he was on his last leg.
  5. It set on fire!

2 out of 10!


  1. Lemonade (Lemon-aid) - CORRECT!
  2. Flowers
  3. No
  4. Yet accompanied him - CORRECT! Close enough! :)
  5. Ask someone else to break it - CORRECT!

3 out of 10!


  1. Lemon aid - CORRECT!
  2. What was an athiest doing there in the first place?
  3. The lion tamer
  4. It was a very small horse and his feet touched the ground.
  5. Freeze the egg and swallow it whole.
  6. Because he was dead. - CORRECT!
  7. You hang a man with a rope, not with a wooden leg. - CORRECT!
  8. Because if they stood on the other leg they'd fall down. - CORRECT!
  9. Right now it's 10.25 pm... but what does that have to do with the cows in the field?
  10. It wooden go. - CORRECT!

5 out of 10!


  1. lemonade - CORRECT!
  2. a deadly
  3. the lion - CORRECT!
  4. the horse's name is Yet - CORRECT!
  5. Wait until it hatches - and eat chicken
  6. Henry VIII is not buried here
  7. You hang a man with a rope, not with a wooden leg - CORRECT!
  8. Because if it pulls up both legs, it falls :)) - CORRECT!
  9. It's 5.15PM (GMT+7) LoL
  10. Wooden (wouldn’t) go - CORRECT!

6 out of 10!


  1. A squeeze
  2. Just visiting
  3. Daniel
  4. Eat a pregnant hen
  5. Because he is the king, why else?
  6. To be balanced
  7. Winter - CORRECT!
  8. There is no driving it

1 out of 10!


  1. Water and honey
  2. A cover - CORRECT!
  3. Daniel
  4. Go ask the man
  5. There is no shell
  6. It is the closest
  7. He needs to drive the wooden car
  8. So that one leg can rest
  9. It's 9:00 p.m. Manila Time on my end
  10. No driver

1 out of 10!


  1. lemon aide - CORRECT!
  2. a fire?
  3. Daniel Tiger (it's a children's cartoon here in the US that my 4 year old loves.. haha)
  4. His horseshoes were hurting his feet ;-)
  5. poke a hole in it
  6. Eastminster abbey was full
  7. It was believed the termites from his peg leg would climb up and chew the rope to save their friend
  8. Because they were once flamingos but a bucket of white paint dropped on them
  9. Time for a burger
  10. the termites again!!!!

1 out of 10!


  1. Lemon-aid - CORRECT!
  2. Flowers
  3. Daniel
  4. A very short legged horse
  5. Ask someone else to break it. - CORRECT!
  6. KH's death was kept secret from everyone except those closest to the king, to allow transition of rulership to his young 9 year old son. Due to the age of the child, this is why KH is buried at WA and all planned by KH himself.
  7. Wooden legs don't wrap around necks, ropes do. - CORRECT!
  8. They don't flamingo's stand on one leg, and it's to store heat.
  9. Winter time. - CORRECT!
  10. It wooden go. - CORRECT!

5 out of 10!


  1. Lemon-aid - CORRECT!
  2. Dirt
  3. The lion - CORRECT!
  4. It was one of those kids riding horses on a stick (My daughter has a pink unicorn one!)
  5. Ask someone else to break it - CORRECT!
  6. You hang a man with rope, not a wooden leg! - CORRECT!
  7. Winter time - CORRECT!
  8. It wouldnt start. - CORRECT!

6 out of 10!


  1. Lemon Aid - CORRECT!
  2. The Lid - CORRECT!
  3. The lion - CORRECT!
  4. The horse was at a walking speed - CORRECT! Close enough for me!
  5. Have someone else break it for you. - CORRECT!
  6. Because he would start to stink if they didn't bury him.
  7. Rope works better than wooden legs. - CORRECT!
  8. They need a leg to stand on or they fall down. - CORRECT!
  9. 9:35pm
  10. It wooden go. - CORRECT!

8 out of 10!


  1. Lemon Aid - CORRECT!
  2. well they would bury him/her despite of her beliefs anyway so dirt would be the good answer
  3. Well if you're looking for the one then look at the bible it's on Daniel Ch.6 Verse 16
  4. Wwll if the horse was named "Yet" then the horse was the one who is walking. CORRECT!
  5. Try and ask someone to break it lol - CORRECT!
  6. First of all King Henry VIII was not buried at Westminster Abbey he's buried at st. georges castle :3
  7. How would you hang a man using a wooden leg ?! tell me ?! huh ? - CORRECT!
  8. so when the other feet is tired the other one replaces it.
  9. It's 4:30 right here lol.
  10. It WOODn't go (T.T) - CORRECT!

5 out of 10!


  1. Lemon-ade - CORRECT!
  2. Nails.
  3. Daniel.
  4. The horses naked was walked.
  5. Get your brother to break it. - CORRECT!
  6. That's the graveyard.
  7. His body wieght was off balance and his neck would not break.
  8. Thats flamingo's not storks.
  9. Time you went home and got out of the snow.
  10. It wooden go. - CORRECT!

3 out of 10!


  1. Lemon-AID - CORRECT!
  2. Dirt
  3. The lion? - CORRECT!
  4. No idea.
  5. Inhale it?
  6. Cause he died? - CORRECT!
  7. Umm.. No clue.
  8. I don't know. Some scientists think it's to preserve body heat I guess?
  9. I don't get it.
  10. It caught on fire?

3 out of 10!


@giddyupngo with 8 correct answers!

Awesome job! And your winning prize is 0.460 SBD! Congratulations!

@smylie2005 and @jongaphuong tied for second place with 6 correct answers!

My favorite answer was from @amariespeaks with

It was believed the termites from his peg leg would climb up and chew the rope to save their friend

And again with,

the termites again!!!!

There were a lot of great answers everyone! Thank you for taking the test! See you all next time!

If you haven't heard of IFC, it is a contest created by the dreamer @apolymask where contestants battle for the best information they can provide! The information is then judged and voted who is the best. This is an on going battle between characters of the world. Along the way you may even earn XP, artifacts and relics of unspeakable value! And the grand prize is 158 STEEM! Season 1 is coming to an end so jump in now!

Keep Exploring!.jpg

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Communities You May be Interested In:

Information Finding Championship - @ifc Image created by @yeszuzia & modified by @charisma777 Newbie Resteem Day - #newbieresteemday Newbiegames - @newbiegames Asapers - @asapers The Hive - @thehive


Congrats to the winner @giddyupngo

Fun contest :)

this was SO much fun @iexplore! I'm so glad I caught it and could join in. reading everyone's answers was a blast too! I'm terrible at riddles so I decided to just be silly lol happy my comments were your favorites :-D I made myself laugh with that ridiculousness too ;-)

So glad you played! And I'm glad you enjoyed taking to test! I really enjoy these and reading the creative answers! It is a lot of fun! Keep a look out for the next test.

Thank you @explore, it was fun playing!

You are welcome! Thank you for taking the test! Great job!

I am sorry I missed out on this one, it looked like heaps of fun! Congrats to all the winners.

It certainly was a lot of fun for me to read all the answers! You will have to be on the look out for the next test in the future! :) Thanks for stopping by!

I will, have joined your Discord group so hopefully that will keep me more in touch :)

Woohoo! I got 1 :D
I actually enjoyed reading the answers of others. :D

Hehe! I did enjoy your, "he needs to drive the wooden car" answer!! Thank you again for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed reading everyone's answers, there were some good ones!

that one made me literally laugh out loud too @ixeplore - so funny @leeart

Lol! I'm glad you enjoyed that :D

That was a fun game. I enjoyed trying to guess.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Even though I knew they were likely joke questions I still answered some of them sorta serious cause I just didn't get it and know what to answer, but after reading them all I laughed quite a few times. It's funny how simple some of them can be, it makes you wonder why you didn't see it.

Thanks again for playing! I love to read some of the answers people come up with! They are very creative and some flat out funny!! I'm glad you got a good laugh, we all need a good one every so often!

Hey @iexplore. Have you had any feedback from other jewelry artists of the IFC Market? I haven't had any inquiries, interest, or anything. 😢

You know what I haven't...I know the marketplace really "took off" in regards to people opening shops, now we need buyers! We are coming up with ideas to improve bringing more potential buyers to the rooms. All ideas are welcome in the marketplace discussion room. We have seen an increase in the members joining the discord though. Not sure if most of sellers, buyers, or interested in ifc, but it's a good sign.

We are still in it's infancy and we have high hopes for this. We currently have a weekly flyer that is posted on Thursdays to promote and feature a shop, so that may be a good idea to try get your shop on the list to be featured if you haven't already. You can do that by leaving a message in the weekly flyer room under the marketplace.

The Marketplace Weekly Flyer

Thanks! Will certainly do!!