Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones on steemit
Hello to whoever is still out there. :)
I'm so sorry this is taking so long.
It was going quicker there for a bit and I thought maybe we'd get this done by the end of the year... But... Now I kinda doubt that.
A couple weeks went by and one of our most regular voting judges notified me that they were too busy to vote this round.
Then I spent numerous days trying to figure out what to do.
I want to have a minimum of three judges, but almost just felt like going with two.
I didn't want to ask those at steemterminal right away again cause I just asked them, so I tried to find someone else.
Here's a link if you'd like to see.
Thankfully @sparkesy43 was available to help from last season and he even typed up a lil post about his judging.
I want to say that I appreciate all of you who are patient and who still want to play or be a part of this.
Thank you. I will continue working to get us to the finals and hopefully some of you are still there and want to play. :D
Anyways... I think that's about it for me for now. Onto the results!
Vote Round 10
apolymask - I think this is the first time all season I've given all 3 of my points to one entry. I was just blown away by the art and write up that @wholeself-in did, the custom pictures she created are amazing and I loved the story she wrote which was full of nostalgia and the images she included from her childhood were great too. I wanted to give a point to leaky20 for his awesome and unique dream entry and bloggerkrunal as well for his story about defending people from bullies which I highly appreciate, and the other entries were great too! Though in the end... The entry by wholeself-in was just epic and in my opinion one of the best entries ever in the history of the IFC contest. All 3 of my points go to wholeself-in this round.
chrismadcboy2016 - 1 point to @bengy I love the line ''experts'' I relate that words because I use that words before when I was a teenage I always show to my friend whenever we are I always say's trust me I am a expert whit this. 1 point to @wholeself-in because showing opportunities to figure out even hero we heard sometimes in the radio or in the comics. But we set our mine hero is exist. For me yes! they are exist in the real world. 1 point to @BloggerKrunal the way he/she express feelings to others. My super hero is my family they save more time for me and also to give me a wonderful future.
sparkesy43 - 2 Points to @wholeself-in - this read was really like a trip down memory lane for me. I used to watch the Greatest American Hero as a kid and have fond memories of it. Not the extent (that I remember) of having a costume, or crash landing into furniture, but enough to see the picture and immediately hear the theme song "Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air" - You would have got all three points, but I've now had the song stuck in my head for 3 hours and it's driving me nuts. The final point goes to @leaky20 - The story was fragmented, but I could see where you were taking it, and your storytelling technique drew me in. I wasn't expecting the twist in who would rescue the boy. Honourable mention will also go to @jbreheny - if it wasn't for Mariah Carey, you possibly would have got a point. I really enjoyed reading about your Hockey idol, and the way he was prepared to look after his fans on his own time, when others were long gone.
Total is..
@wholeself-in - 6
@leaky20 - 1
@bengy - 1
@bloggerkrunal - 1
Congrats wholeself-in! That was an awesome entry you did! You went from unranked to 8th place it looks like. Well done.
I was a little unsure about how to do the leaderboard this season without being too confusing, so... I'm going to put those who have won points from season 2 on top, and will keep those from season 1 on the bottom.
I think at the end of the season I will likely combine both season 1 and 2 scores together. If you played in season 1 you still have your exp and items, I'm just showing it this way so it's easier to keep track of who is in their proper ranking place during the new season.
Also if you scored any points so far you are automatically entered into the finals as it only takes 1 point this season to get entered into the finals. Players from last season will not be entered into the finals unless they score at least 1 point during this new season 2.
Season 2 stats.
@jbreheny 2-23-0 previous season score is 1-12-0
@shaheerbari 2-21-0
@ayushjalan 1-20-0
@bengy 1-20-0 previous season score is 1-10-0
@leaky20 0-11-0
@nmcdougal94 1-09-0
@lordless.exile 1-09-0
@wholeself-in 1-09-0 previous season score is 1-09-0
@ecoinstant 0-09-0
@mistakili 1-08-0
@plushzilla 0-05-0 previous season score is 3-30-0
@bashadow 0-02-0 previous season score is 4-43-1
@simplymike 0-02-0 previous season score is 1-08-0
@quotes-haven 0-01-0
@bloggerkrunal 0-01-0
Season 1 stats.
kryptocek 6-53-1 Sacred Crystal
bashadow 4-43-1 ???
plushzilla 3-30-0
amariespeaks 3-23-0
har5h 2-59-1 KryptoCheck Shield
iexplore 2-36-0
eaglespirit 2-35-0
mr-bike 2-18-0
youhavewings 2-16-0
jan23com 1-48-1 Occult book + eye
sandrina.life 1-14-0
jbreheny 1-12-0
artgirl 1-11-0
magicalmoonlight 1-11-0
bengy 1-10-0
swolesome 1-09-0
wholeself-in 1-09-0
kenneth1 1-09-0
warpedpoetic 1-09-0
auminda 1-09-0
simplymike 1-08-0
xomegax 1-08-0 now a judge
bitpizza 1-07-0
losthippie 1-07-0
boladayl 1-06-0
noisyboy 1-05-0
giddyupngo 1-05-0
grizzman 0-08-0
deliberator 0-04-0
sophiabydesign 0-02-0
lynncoyle1 0-01-0
nxtblg 0-01-0
yura81 0-01-0
mnallica 0-01-0
lahvista 0-01-0
chrisroberts 0-01-0
laurawhite 0-01-0
beeyou 0-01-0
gerrardihno 0-01-0
Original by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777
Nice workThere is definitely a clear winner here. Congrats to @wholeself-in
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you! Good to see you guys, and thanks for the positive feedback!
I am chuckling at @sparkesy getting the song stuck in his head. But now I've got it stuck in my head again...