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RE: [FREE SBD] What Did You Learn About SteemIt Today?

in #contest7 years ago

1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
Entry by @isteemithard Today I learned that the "Devs" or Steemit Developers fixed the Mentions function, for weeks it has been down. Mentions are posts or comments made by other users that contain your username. They can be found by using the Steemit More Info Extension or Steemistry here is an example of mine

2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?

3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
My approach was to start by clicking the mentions tab on the top of my blog It is very important for me to learn because until I discovered they fixed it I felt bad I have been unable to engage posts that have been kind enough to mention me. Also sometimes it can be important to see the content and context I am being mentioned. Like being announced as a #contest or #challenge winner or guest judge. I noticed it still wasn't working but know that it requires more bandwidth and information because it does a full backlog. So then I checked Steemistry by going to the site and entering my username like this there I saw that the mentions was working again and was able to see that I was mentioned on another users post here although I was not the winner it was great to know the outcome.

That concludes my entry if anyone would like to have some other useful links for steemit check my post here


Wow, thanks. I wasn't even aware of the fact that 'Mentions' didn't work. I always forget to check it.
I didn't know about the site either. I've entered a whole new world... :-)

awesome glad to help the last link has some great others as well