There new house had no packing space or store room for keeping most of the loads moved from the previous house. They resorted to making shelves on the wall to keep some of these loads away from view to appeal to the aesthetic demands of the house. Courage was disadvantaged by this new arrangement; he was short and could not assess most of his things stored up the shelves, so the mother decided to make him a special ladder to climb. This was a very welcome provision since most of the items he kept on the shelves were things he needed as regularly as possible. Most later, the ladder started tearing down rung by rung.
“The ladder has two rungs already broken off and I think it is time you should consider doing some repairing,” said Courage’s mother politely.
“It is still quite ok for me mom, wait until it is worth while fixing,” grumbled Courage.
Many days passed and the ladder had five more rungs broken off. It was still quite manageable at this point but at a high risk rate. The rest was story after courage fell from the ladder and cracked his spine days later.