From my point of view, Facebook could come to an end if Mark Zuckerberg and his team do not take appropriate measures to adapt to the worries of the users.
First point is that the datas are fully submitted to third parties and represents the main revenue of Facebook. Unfortunately one cannot use this media without being harassed by unwanted advertisement.
Second point a lot of people possess multiple accounts and often are submitting friendship request to scam people. Especially when it goes about dating bachelor and require money once the fish is ready to be caught.
Third point the notifications for friends activities, reaction on comments, likes on own posts and more. This is more of a distraction to people than really useful. This creates the famous FOMO syndrom.
Fourth point, facebook never really proved that it was able to adapt to new technologies since 2008. Indeed, I wonder whether they really considered blockchain as an interesting improvement in their strategies. The latest actions leading to forbid ICO advertisement and blockchain related information proves that they are not willing to go with the new paradigm. Blockchain offers way more possibilities and I had to laugh a little while hearing Mark saying that Facebook would enable users to manage their datas, seemingly at a cost. I am not sure people would be willing to pay a charge just to secure their privacy.
On the other hand, the blockchain is developping itself step by step and my thought are that there must be a lot of pedagogy to be done in order to convince the mainstream to use a decentralized technology.
Even if Facebook makes the effort mentioned during the hearings, they will always use a centralized data system and be the owners of the users datas. Or why would a customer pay to have the right to get a warranted privacy protection? The customer can only be the owner if he get money for submitting the topic related information to a business, government, hospital or anything else.
I really appreciate that there are questions leading to reflect on the contemporary concerns.
Best regards
I agree with you, but I think notifications are useful if not overloaded. And also facebook didn't change the look of the site in years, it looks like a crap full of buttongsm the UX is awful! Thanks for joining and i'm glad you like the questions proposed :)
Agreed, notifications can prove useful if when not overloaded. The topic of interest must be well-chosen.
The UX design is useful, I once read that the choice for the color was due to the fact that Mark Zuckerberg cannot distinguish the colors following a specific eye dysfunction.
Obviously changes in the feature would also show that the company can fit in a new context and also to the customers / users wish.
FB will face a lot of challenges and from their response to the change of paradigme will depend its future. I guess that a lot of issues are linked to the lack of experience in their management.
As an example I can mention Google as in my previous comment and the Blockchain Technology is also drawing a lot of high profiles who want to provide their efforts to develop the structure of the future without repeating the mistake during the internet implementation.
Thanks for welcoming me I really appreciate this concept. It is also a great way to learn to know new people.