
My real name is Mieke, but most native English speakers cann’t pronounce it and always say Miké, so I thouhgt I’d spare everyone the trouble - lol
I don’t hhink gender is of such a big importanc however ;0)

Hey, I finally found out about Mieke. I think it would sound awesome with that accent at the end.

When i first came here, someone found me a video in which it was pronounced correctly.

Found it:

(However it is not a German name, but a Flemish name - lol)

That's such a pretty name. You're lucky. My name is just blaah. 😁 Who picked your name and do you know why they picked it?

Mieke, I love the pronounciation! It is very pretty. Thanks for the video. Should save it and send to the next person that calls you Mike. :)