Contest Rules
- All contestants are allowed one "bet".
- All "bets" should be position by 8:00 pm EST 02/05.
- Contestants should choose a Team to win+ Combined Total Points.
- Whoever picks the Winning Team, and is closest to the Combined Total Points, wins the competition.
- Record your "bet" as follows, Winning Team + Combined Total Points.
- Example JAZZ 215 points.
- All contestants should UPVOTE publish to play.
- All contestants ought to strive their greatest to flow into the publish/contest.
- Winner(s) get 50% of the publish's liquid earnings.
- Any publish edited after the deadline will probably be disqualified from the competition.
- The NBA Season Contest will run every day of the preseason. Be on the look out for an opportunity to win SBD!
- To guarantee the continuity of the contest and contribute to greater prizes the upvotes must have a minimum of 20% to participate in the challenge.
Thanks to all participants of previous Daily NBA contests.
@acelad @acheever @achwak @agcoeficiente10 @agentzero @ailenepm @aireal @albinormaydii @alejo @alexisochoa @alixs @allenaxie @amaliatul @amf6 @amfid4846 @amos811 @an0na @andy23 @anjelik @angeltirado @apollocrew @argenisboom @arnaldomcr12 @artistannie @asimmy @assus @awakentolife @barbadosso @barcalogia @barineka @barteksiama @beeyou @bekari @bhsdu @bigsteem @bitton @blackvapor @bloomberg215 @brainisthekey @brandonp @breakthrough @brokenzombie @bruzzy @bstlraider1 @bulipaptich420 @butterb @bwalter @celexa @cheapogroovo @chinitooo @cmoljoe @codygee237 @coolthings @coriantun @costanza @crokkon @cryptoculture @davor27 @datdoan @devduke @dexpartacus @dkid14 @dksart @diamondrich @digitalking @dirkboy41 @dreweff @duckbutter @easycome @edgarf1979 @eemile @elgringo79 @ervin-lemark @evolved08gsr @faisalazmi @fancybrothers @farahmarissa @farseer @franklinjgc @fromgreenland @fuentesjo3006 @funaccountant @funnytime @fvpjunel @gabrielamosqueda @galasek @ganmo92 @geoffreydemars @georgemales @gizechluy @godo @gsegovia @guesshowmuch @harryp3 @hashclouds @heimdallr @hernanjosegb @heroic15397 @heyitshaas @hienhienanh @hiiipower710 @hoopss @hornblende @huandeptrai @hyrolla @imbatmalol @imisstheoldkanye @irtazaasif @isacoin @isellbooks @isteemithard @ivimipa @jamesdenny @jbhunt1030 @jeffjagoe @jeromeafable35 @jessiebb @joebetman @jonsnow1983 @josipgranic @jozef230 @jbutane @kay1 @keegzhawkins @kerry234 @kevinfm @kevinkarron @kofpato @kontroll @kyleanthony @kromm @kryptocek @lavanya @legits @liberton @liberty-minded @linhlinhvictoria @lochsteemit @lolicorn @luism86 @luisport @m6trading @mandarinaad @markthepoolman @marshalllife @marzi @marksoswavey @marshalllife @maverick0524 @mawit07 @mahyul @medicbtom @meghana123 @mekky @mervesaglamx @mihail.tsvetkov @mikel2la1 @mikeshuh @miti @mm39 @moiseslink @mominsdt @mrseventeen @mushroombadger @nameless16 @neo-wiza @ninjamike @nguyenthanh @nikossa1908 @o07 @ohboy @okn @onegood @orbital753 @otterbeme @papakli @pappy @patewing @paul.atreides @pedroo @photo-moment @pogaku95 @portillo @positivebalances @prudhvipavan @psalmseen @putryy @qanda @quarterlifehuman @raclariu @ragaflo @ragnaros @rashford @rawdawg @rayne122 @revelationquotes @rfece143 @rockandnews @safat @saimegh @samhamou @scalerman @seanstein @shaunf @si0l @sirsticks @sirtorito @skepticology @solarsherpa55 @sorryjako @spalatino @sports-picks @starke @starline @steaknsteem @steem-d-anlovnit @steemlit @stefanlaird @suzayn17 @svarozich @swethu @tcpaikano @tenhanger @texasbodi @the01crow @thegoliath @thickman34 @thinkingmind @thundersam @tinlin @toddcurry @topdollar001 @travelpamore @treefiddy @trillex @tuhermanayyo @truconspiracy @twotripleow @tylersr @udgu @vicspics @warudo @xwalkran @wahidurrahman @warudo @wendycoin @williams21 @xtramedium @yajhwan @yeaho @yusifm @ziarul31
UTAH 214
pelicans 232
Jazz 212
NOP 206
Jazz 222
pelicans 200
Jazz 208
pelicans 210
Pelicans 232
EUROLEAGUE Weekly Basketball Contest 08-09/02 | Chance to win SBD!
Pelicans 220
Jazz 220
Jazz 215
NOP 209
Pelicans 236
Pelicans 201
Pelicans 219
nop 214
JAZZ 206 points
This account is fake. It's just made for playing sport contests. It has no posts of their own or at the most few, but in same time comment section is only filled with comments on sport contests.
You are not first to try scam Steemit community with multiple fake accounts:
Sport contest scammers
Black list
I will make this comment on every comment you make on sport contest, so your effort is useless. Also don't bother to make another fake account because I will post this under every fake account made just for sport contest.
NOP 240
JAZZ 208
Jazz 217
JAZZ 200
Jazz 225
Jazz 212
This account is fake. It's just made for playing sport contests. It has no posts of their own or at the most few, but in same time comment section is only filled with comments on sport contests.
You are not first to try scam Steemit community with multiple fake accounts:
Sport contest scammers
Black list
I will make this comment on every comment you make on sport contest, so your effort is useless. Also don't bother to make another fake account because I will post this under every fake account made just for sport contest.
Jazz 227
Jazz 237
Pelicans 228
Jazz 190
Jazz 210
NOP 215
pelicans 197
This account is fake. It's just made for playing sport contests. It has no posts of their own or at the most few, but in same time comment section is only filled with comments on sport contests.
You are not first to try scam Steemit community with multiple fake accounts:
Sport contest scammers
Black list
I will make this comment on every comment you make on sport contest, so your effort is useless. Also don't bother to make another fake account because I will post this under every fake account made just for sport contest.
pelicans 211
Jazz 218
NOP 232
Pelicans 221
Jazz 228
Pelicans 210
Pelicans 221
JAZZ 214
Utah Jazz - 209
pelicans 235
Utah Jazz 226.
nop 217
You don't have one post of your own since you joined Steemit. How much money did you take from Steemit?
Whoa there buddy, I'd seriously look at your own history before you pick on others like you're the world police. You've made 2 posts in the last three months, putting next to nothing into your steem power, and a nice relationship with bittrex. Two can play your game buddy. At least I throw votes out worth something while you and your so called meaningful content takes the money and runs. I'll ask you why all you do (2 posts in 3 months) how much do you make or in your case take?
I do like your recent history as all of a sudden you are the authority attacking several others, I hope the legitimate others call you you out on the hypocrite you are.
Dude, I wrote many articles and will write many more. You didn't post once. You are only taking money from sport contests. I will not judge you because I don't know you and your financial situation, but it comes to point where you are only taking money from steemit without contributing. You don't have need to write article about anything?
If you read one of those posts, you will realize why I didn't post much. :)
If you want I can post links from probably over 30 articles I wrote so far on Steemit. Compare that to your 0.
One more thing...Usually when someone don't have decent reply to accusation he start to counter attack. That is what you are doing now. Don't tell me it's normal to join platform and after 5 months to still not have one post?
Jazz 218
New Orleans 205
pelicans 190
Pelicans 213