Wow @invisusmundi, I don't know what to say. Those are really kind words and I am really grateful for this opportunity and community. The folks at have been super helpfula also.
I love what you're doing on here and you are a wizard with your posts and video ideas. It's true my pictures so far are just random iPhone shots from our past, and not the best quality. I've got some work to do on my formatting, that's for sure. I am glad to take any feedback from you. I'll look you up on Discord and have a chat.
One thing I should say is I have a high quality camera and video camera also, as well as mics. I bought them for a YouTube Khmer language learning project I hope to do someday. However, I have always been too shy to take around big equipment when we travel. We generally stay in non-touristy poorer areas, and a big camera makes human interaction staged and intrusive sometimes. It also can make you a target for theft.
That being said, I have never used these cameras in the three years I've owned them, but I am now inspired to get these cameras out and start taking pictures. We are now ready when we travel somewhere new, to take pictures and bring the cameras now. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and I hope it could only get better.
Lots of love from the Khmerican family in Suriname!