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RE: WhaleShares Short Story Contest | Week#3

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody, this is a little something I wrote specifically for this contest. I posted the longer version on my blog. The following is a slightly condensed version to meet the 200-word upper limit. Hope you like it. Thanks! :)

My Life is Yours

She buckled under the pressure of words thrown at her. She tried to reason; she was pelted with more words. Her family and friends asked her to stop trying. But she held on with all her will. Soon the missiles aimed at her became her strength. She was positive she could handle it all.

Was she naive to think that being positive is what it takes to live? How could she forget that even pain has a threshold? She’s as human as anybody else.

Does she have the power to withstand more of this? Or is she looking forward to the finish line?


She glanced down at the little head in her lap, then bending down, she planted a kiss on the brown tresses, and drew him close to her heart. Her life is not hers, it belonged to someone else. This thought returned the glow to her face and the smile to her lips. The light at the end of the long tunnel is brighter now. She will live and succeed.

“Mummy?” Innocent brown eyes looked at her questioningly. The dark nightmare that was once her life faded away. “Come on champ. Let’s go to bed.” She purred lovingly.