Daily Brain Games (Jan 12) - how witty are you?

in #contest7 years ago

BrainGames cover.001.jpeg

Position the names listed in the matrix based on the following rules:

  1. All names should be positioned vertically (reading from top to bottom) or horizontally (reading from left to right)
  2. All letters of the names should be written into connecting squares (you cannot leave out a square)
  3. Numbers next to the matrix show the number of letters in the given row/column
  4. Letters next to the matrix should appear in the given row/column
  5. All three letters that are already positioned in the matrix must be used.

So the names:

And the matrix:
Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 13.32.14.png

Please fill in the matrix (this one, or one in Excel, or just draw it and make a photo) and post it as a reply.



Perfect answer!
Reward is on the way! :-)

I'm glad somebody got the answer. I think it was so hard. ;) Congratulations to the winner and congratulation author for the success of the game. ;)

Yes, some of these are pretty hard, but the majority of the cases the correct answer arrives... :-)))

Very good that you keep up with these contests!

Thanks a lot! :-)

Thank you, altought I never won one I'm still grateful for your consistency of them!

Keep trying, your day will come... :-)

I am so handsome that's why I am so witty. lol