Position the names listed in the matrix based on the following rules:
- All names should be positioned vertically (reading from top to bottom) or horizontally (reading from left to right)
- All letters of the names should be written into connecting squares (you cannot leave out a square)
- Numbers next to the matrix show the number of letters in the given row/column
- Letters next to the matrix should appear in the given row/column
- All three letters that are already positioned in the matrix must be used.
So the names:
And the matrix:
Please fill in the matrix (this one, or one in Excel, or just draw it and make a photo) and post it as a reply.
Perfect answer!
Reward is on the way! :-)
I'm glad somebody got the answer. I think it was so hard. ;) Congratulations to the winner and congratulation author for the success of the game. ;)
Yes, some of these are pretty hard, but the majority of the cases the correct answer arrives... :-)))
Very good that you keep up with these contests!
Thanks a lot! :-)
Thank you, altought I never won one I'm still grateful for your consistency of them!
Keep trying, your day will come... :-)
I am so handsome that's why I am so witty. lol