Lol people say Vegeta Skipped Super Sayian 3... But actually he didn't...
Its simply because he doesn't use Super Saiyan 3 and that he knows its Disadvantages And Flaws thats why he never uses Super Saiyan 3....
Lol people say Vegeta Skipped Super Sayian 3... But actually he didn't...
Its simply because he doesn't use Super Saiyan 3 and that he knows its Disadvantages And Flaws thats why he never uses Super Saiyan 3....
Good criticism @latrell ... some (few) believe that Vegeta reached the level of SS3 without being transformed (I do not believe it). What if it is to applaud is that I reach the SS4 skipping SS3 many say that with a trap but he looks better than Goku ...

Lol but i think Goku looks better than Vegeta though SS4.. Or they both look cool in there own way.. My favorate is Trunks