
Feel free to make a post to tell others about the open rounds! That could be some help! I have seen you have been getting the word out to others for sure and I am grateful for that for sure. Since we are still just a small group with people like you and @plushzilla, @xomegax, @kryptocek, @amariespeaks, and soooo many others getting the word out is the best thing we can do!!!! Thank you again for all your help so far! @lynncoyle1 and @beeyou @bashadow and @deliberator could probably help find something since they too work with alot of newbies!!!

Great! I'll make a post about it. I think @apolymask was telling people to follow @ifc. Is that still the case?

Yes maam, you will start seeing the leaderboard posts and other entries come through the @ifc for now, and I think @bashadow will be posting winning announcements. So for now keep watching out for the rounds from apolymask's page he will be doing them from there since he has a lot more followers under his name.