More than 200 people joined this time and some jokes were really funny but I'm in a hurry today so I'll just quickly announce winners. No experiment results, stats, best comments etc.
WINNER: 20 SBD + 10 Whaleshares
1st RUNNER-UP: 10 Whaleshares
2nd RUNNER-UP: 10 Whaleshares
Congrats to all the winners. Hit me up with your BTS addresses.
Thank you for playing and stay tuned for more contests!
great contest. warming up for the next one
1PSpgCTEnttYUTRurNucLU7xi81Xw7oDd2Okay. Thank you my friend @lepton. What we should do next. This is my btc address.
Hey mate, you need to give bts address
I already sent. That's my btc address.
Is it really? bts addy is usually just a name. Just like libert sent his "libert-y". This looks like your bts adress on bittrex or some other exchange/wallet.
My bts addres : nafazul
My btc addres : nafazul 1PSpgCTEnttYUTRurNucLU7xi81Xw7oDd2sorry friend @lepton. Please check again its btc delivery, because in my account not yet entered. thanks you.
Wow man didn't realized I won this! My bts address is : libert-y
Yes! Congrats. I will send all the prizes tonight from my home pc.
Okay 👍
Just sent you both SBD and whaleshares.
Received. Thank you.
It's amazing, I do not think I'm a winner. This is my BTC address brother faisal_m ( 1CGBuftuZPecPeMbUwFVk8FFw3C4ftWpvv ) Thank you Brother @lepton
I even tried to include "brother" but no luck yet :D
try this one ( Faisal_m )
Still invalid.. name is not case sensitive and I'm also not sure about that underline... is this the name of your OpenLedger acc?
Just send SBD steemit
sorry, you won 10 whaleshares.. create openledger acount or something, your name still doesnt work..