Answer 1: Don't comment on other posts just for the sake of commenting and up-votes.
Answer 2: Being Stay in the community for long-term.
Answer 3: To be honest, I did mistakes initially by simply commenting on other posts to grab up-votes. It would not work out. My mistakes helped me learn this.
And my good wishes for this kind of contest @simplymike, Eager to read others answers.
Thanks for your honesty. I do believe that most people who just comment for the sake of commenting do this because they don't know better, and they will learn eventually.
It's a good thing to learn from the mistakes you make. Keep up the good work!
Appreciation is the greatest reward. I feel this all the times when people appreciate good works. Good day @simplymike
good answer @letyouread... I like it... Its honest.
Great Morning ! Honour to receive such words. Thanks much @davemccoy
you're welcome @letyouread, its the best way to be here (honest) ;)
Nice to meet you too :)