The problem is that no matter what your thoughts about access to the Internet are – they don't accord with reality. If we don't deal with reality as it stands, the truth as it is, we are unable to make decisions which are capable of protecting ourselves.
As it stands, everyone has access to the Internet. Not only in Western developed countries but increasingly in extremely impoverished nations where cell phone service is the big technological innovation, one driving the vast bulk of their ability to be productive on the world stage and bring wealth to their communities.
Some of those people… Hell, we had a guy from Nigeria on last night who was really excited about the prospect of being able to get into cryptocurrencies in general.
What about his notional little sister? This is exactly the sort of thing she would theoretically be into.
The biggest threat to you in this context is that you will be successful. Your personal success in this endeavor could very well put the rest of the architecture in a real bind. I'm fine with you being the canary in the coal mine on that particular issue, but I don't think you've really given it a lot of thought about what comes next. And that's a shame.
I wish you all the success you deserve, and exactly as much as you want.
I am sure if this is successful one of the 65+ rep people will repeat it and they will get hundreds of entries. The chances of me producing the fall out you are screaming wolf over is slim to none.
I would actually have to be making an invalid claim of something that's not true for it to be "crying wolf."
I'm simply pointing out that the results of this could have some serious and unpleasant fallout for the platform as a whole. I'm not even saying that such fallout isn't inevitable – it very well may be completely unavoidable. At the very least, someone is going to notice that they can get ass loads of upvotes (and as a result increased reputation, increased SP, and increased steem) for showing their tits and more.
I'm honestly rather shocked that it hasn't happened to any noticeable level, yet. That might be a side effect of discoverability on Steemit being a steaming pile, but that's an entirely different discussion.
Once that door is open we start getting into the rather sticky issue of the fact that most governmental entities and quite a lot of people are uncomfortable with "human trafficking," which is a polite way of referring to "sex work I don't like."
Could Steemit and its ilk be broadly tarred as houses of ill repute as their primary purpose? Given the eagerness with which cryptocoin in general is painted as the "coin of the realm" for terrorism and criminal activity (despite the fact that most criminals really prefer money that they can spend), it's really easy to see it happen.
Maybe most of the people with Rep 65+ have the good sense to avoid putting their foot in that particular trap. They're not the ones are worried about. The trap is a lot broader and more stupid than that.
rather "sex work the worker doesn't like" - but who cares about such subtleties when money can be made...
Most of the major "human trafficking" stings that have been executed in the US in recent years haven't targeted people who are being compelled to be on the street or in the brothel, but rather people who are choosing the best of a bad set of options, by and large.
I don't particularly want to be sitting behind a desk working for someone else 40 hours a week but no one would refer to that as "engineer trafficking" just because I don't particularly like it but do it because the money is good and I like the things that money can buy me.
But maybe they should!
If we really want to broaden the idea of "human trafficking" to mean "sex work the worker doesn't like", it probably would be a good idea to change the law so that they're not the ones who are being punished. Unless you mean to imply that people who do jobs that they don't like should be punished by the coercive power of the State for making that decision.
To be very clear – that is not what I think that you mean to say, it's only what you can be interpreted to be saying.
Of course it's different when the person chooses the job. The general definition for trafficking requires a trafficker.
| Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.
Which is a vanishingly small slice of the sex worker pie (pun intended), and very, very few of those prosecuted are actually engaged in coerced activity.
Now, it's a great claim to make if you get caught because it's very hard for your pimp or coordinator to prove they weren't coercing you. You can angle for leniency from the system and stick it to your boss, and who doesn't like that?
At present, prosecution only requires the suspicion of trafficking, and that's an actual problem.
Yes and the flood gates are bound to open once people point out the flaw, kind of like vote buying. It started small, a few felt inclined to point it out and how it could affect the platform and that effect is what followed but it was small and unnoticed until broadcast as a what if. You're pointing out the what if and stating how money could be made and people exploited. Great job planting that seed in public.
I can guarantee, no one needed me to point that out as a potential way of leveraging the system.
I've worked in operating system security before. I know that if you don't point out the flaws in the system in public, the odds that such a system gets fixed – especially if the issue is subtle – is minor. Given that this flaw is inherent to the system at an architectural level, there's absolutely no reason for me to take on board any sort of guilt for talking about it.
I am, after all, not going to be the one labeled a procurer.
You, on the other hand – it's your pseudonym at the top of the post. If anyone should be patted on the back and thanked for sticking their head in the oven, turning on the gas, and waiting for someone to walk by with a lit match, it's you.
So… Congratulations! You've achieved something!
Thank you for your wisdom, wise one. I've been on the internet since before your trailer had internet. You really don't understand how scammers work. I'm done with this conversation, I can't keep talking below my intelligence level. Feel free to continue.
Are you suggesting that you're a scammer? Because I was going to absolutely give you the benefit of the doubt. I guess I can't do much about a direct admission, though.
And for your information, my trailer had Internet long before the web existed. Modems. Look them up, kid. They're technology.
I suppose it will make two of us who will be glad you stop talking below your intelligence level. When you're ready to engage at an adult level, let me know. Until then, I think I have to agree with you – we're done here.
Lex, you look like you may be sporting a pretty big pair of man boobs. Are you going to enter?
No, I may hate humanity and despise all that they stand for – but there are certain levels of torment that not even I will enact on a captured audience.
No one deserves that kind of horror. No one.
Count you and your species very lucky.
My view on the internet is also 100% with reality, too many stupid with full access. I do not mean uneducated people. I mean stupid people, criminals and SJW's.
Well, congratulations. You've officially joined their ranks!
(And by that I mean that, literally, this public post may count as solicitation in several legal regimes, making you a criminal. Whether or not you intended criminal activity or whether or not anyone underage responds, you have solicited for locally obscene or purient material from all over the planet.
Perhaps you're absolutely right. We should probably keep criminals off the Internet. Unfortunately for you, that class of person now includes you.
Life is hard.)
Okay SJW, you are doing great proving my point and there are many enjoying your public pompom display of self righteousness. As I said the platform is setup to speak for itself. I guess in 7 days we will see if round two with triple the prizes takes place or not.
The irony of you referring to me as an SJW is ludicrous in the extreme. I love tits. I like them everywhere.
I also like communications platforms which pretend to be social networks to have a certain awareness of how things work in the world. I like people who are involved with those social networks to understand what the threats to their life and liberty are, and to have some basic comprehension of the potential future impacts of their choices.
As a radical libertarian, I'm all for letting people make terrible decisions just as long as they are fully informed terrible decisions. In this case, I don't believe anybody sat down and gave it 5 minutes thought and why it's a terrible idea before you did it.
The platform is set up to do a lot of things, but it's not the platform that decides what people post on it and, for the sake of this discussion, that's what we're talking about.
Like alcohol. Alcohol doesn't make you stupid – it just lets you be stupid. In public.
Everyone involved needs to know what the potential risks and downsides of their involvement are. Since you don't feel any compulsion to engage at that level, others have stepped in and said things. I'm sorry that you don't like that.
Actually, that's a lie. I'm not sorry at all. I think you've engaged in some horribly community-destructive behaviors and you don't seem to care. But there are other people who don't necessarily need to get caught any blowback, so I'm just standing out in front of the burning building, waving a couple of lit signal batons away from the entrance to give people fair warning.
You're leaning out the burning front door, smiling and beckoning them in.
You can do what you want.
Dude, really? Is your name Alexa or Lex? If the people want to see tits, then god damn it, show them some tits! Are you also against being one of the first companies that is going to use SMT? There is going to be a lot more than tits shown on that site and they are directly associated with Steem Blockchain. . . @erodedthoughts is being creative an innovative whether you agree or not. If it was up to me i would have run the "pink taco" contest but then again, I'm just a dawg . . a @rawdawg !
Well, if my name was Alexa I would probably be more accommodating to your – requests.
I'm actually quite in favor of adopting SMT, assuming that they actually do it. Adult media has been one of the primary technology drivers on the Internet for the last couple of decades.
But, having been focused on adult content from day one, I imagine that there creators have given significantly more thought to their legal protection than the developers of Steemit, and that makes a huge difference.
The association with the blockchain technology may be ultimately a problem for steem in terms of PR, but here and now – this is a problem which we can observe and predict, on a platform which has no planning or architecture to protect itself against such a threat.
It is very pointedly not about what I would prefer to see or enjoy but an issue of legal vulnerability and acknowledgment of same.
These words may be a little large for you. You might need an adult to go through them and help you understand. Just don't let them touch you in your no-no zone, or if they do make sure you get video of it.
Boom goes the dynamite from the guy with the profile pic that looks like he is a candidate for Chris Hanson's "To Catch A Predator".
I'm pushin' 40 and retired early so I'm pretty sure I can handle understanding your words.
I'm not concerned with the legal vulnerability of this contest.
Take a look at current NSFW content that is already being rewarded, this contest is no different than someone up-voting that content. You can try to refute this, but I'm not in the mood to get into a back n forth. . .Stay cool Chester.