Yes this does not stay on my person but in my car. If I am away from my car it is an EDLIIMC dump , (Every Day Leave It In My Car). I have a basic first aid kit in my glove box. Nothing special but the tampons to plug a bullet hole with. Unfortunatly I don't have a pocket carry kit, EDC as you have shown.... not yet anyway.
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Oh, no. An "EDC Drop" or "Dump" is an image of everything you carry on yourself. Your pocket contents, things you wear like a watch, etc. Maybe I should have clarified what an EDC drop was above. Hmmm I'll take a picture of mine later to upload it as an example!
oh no, I understood. Carry is like carry on your person. My post was more of a show off of what I had will admiring what you have that I need to put together.
What I always have on me...
I keep one of those magnesium knives, a bandaid in my wallet & a 9mm and two extra 13 rnd magazines. My bandaid is as close to the first aid carry you have.
Great contest though. I of course don't think my trunk backpack & Glovebox boyscout 1st aid kit qualifies as EDC however.
Carry on : )